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ATTENTION: This is based off of SEASON ONE Mileven, the Eleven and Mike you read about are the Eleven and Mike from A YEAR AFTER season one

disclaimer, 12-14-18:
I wrote this in 2016 so it sucks ok bye


My waffles are taking forever, I don't understand. What makes today any different than yesterday?

Nancy was already eating, my mom was feeding Holly, and my dad was reading the paper. That's when there was a knock at the door, and everyone looked at each other with challenging eyes.

"I'll get it." I rolled my eyes, deciding I'd just do it considering I'm already standing. I jogged to the door, unlocking it and swinging it open. At first, I only took in the silhouette of a girl. Then I was engulfed in a giant hug before I could fully register who was at my door.

The arms around my waist had such a homie feel to them, and her scent was just...familiar, she's familiar.

She surprised me with her hug, causing me to close my eyes. By the time I opened them again, I was practically sobbing.

"El, oh my god," I cried, holding her even tighter.

"Mike," She whispered back, her body shaking with sobs.

That's when my mom ran into the room and stopped dead in her tracks. I didn't care, though, I just held El and didn't let go.

Then, my mom approached me and pulled me away carefully. She held my shoulders and bent down to my level, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Wake up, Michael," She said frantically, and I just didn't understand.

"Wake up!"

My eyes shot open and I was met with mostly darkness, but also my mom. She was holding my hand and looking at me with a sad expression. I woke up a bit more when I felt how hot I was. I could feel the sweat on my face and...tears? I didn't know I cried during my nightmares.

"Michael, honey, you were having a bad dream again. Would you please tell me what they're about? I'll try to help," My mom begged, but I just shook my head and closed my eyes again. "Alright, I'll let you sleep."

She left, I was alone, and I was free to cry.

✓ Wake Up, Mike ⇔ Mileven {1st - "Wake Up, Mike" Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now