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That's Mike in this story recently^^ So done with Dustin😂

Trigger Warning: v*mitting


I looked up when I heard that voice. I'm not sure why, but I was scared when I saw that it was Chief Hopper. He helped save Will, he's basically why Will is alive, but he still scares me a bit. He just seems so unstable.

"That box has been here for almost a year, and you finally found it. I was wondering when you would," He spoke again, kneeling down to touch the box. I looked at him with uneasy eyes as he emptied the paper bag he was holding. Food in a tub, a juice box, and two Eggos.

"You're leaving her food?" I asked loudly, my mouth dropping open. He chuckled at my reaction.

"I am. She really likes grape juice boxes." He smiled subtly at me and I was still so surprised. For one, I'm now positive she's alive. That's insane. He put the food and the juice in the box and relaxed a little. "I was seriously wondering when you'd find it. I come here every day and bring her food."

"Why didn't you tell me? Why haven't we gotten her out yet?" I practically yelled, the anger from Dustin still in my body.

"Chill, kid, she'd be out by now if it was possible. I've been talking to her for a year, we've tried basically everything," He informed, and I slumped a bit.

"There has to be a way, we can't leave her down there," I mumbled, and he didn't answer. He just sighed loudly and we sat in silence.

"Why don't you get to school? We'll talk more tomorrow if you come again," He offered, and I just nodded. I was bummed out again. There's no way to get her out? I find that hard to believe, there has to be a way.

I stood up and made my way to my bike. I rode off to school slowly, I feel like I'm going to throw up.


"Mike! Mike, I'm sorry, man, I wasn't thinking. I just can't stand to see you like this," Dustin spoke immediately as I entered our classroom. I just looked ahead and walked to my seat. I could see the three of them looking at each other out of the corner of my eye. "Mike? C'mon, I'm sorry."

"She's alive, by the way," I spoke bluntly, and they immediately ran to huddle around my desk.

"No way, how do you know?" Lucas asked with pure shock in his tone. Why are they so surprised? Did they really think she was dead?

"I met who was putting food in the box, it was the Chief. He's leaving it for El, she's alive." My voice is so dull, I almost feel bad.

"Then what are we doing just sitting here?" Will asked, but I didn't answer. I just looked down at my desk and played with my fingers.

"Wait, if you're here and not out looking...we can't help her, can we? She's stuck down there," Lucas concluded, my vision started to blur a bit as tears came. I cry too much.

Suddenly, my stomach did a ginormous flip. I stood up and practically ran to the bathroom, I could hear them following me.

I entered the bathroom and threw up.


My chapters are so short lately I'm sorry😔

To new readers: Grape juice becomes iconic in this series !

✓ Wake Up, Mike ⇔ Mileven {1st - "Wake Up, Mike" Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now