Twenty Two

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Weird chapter. I'll basically do a chapter in a few different point of views and explain how they're feeling currently.


It was actually amazing to see El again. I'll admit, I was fully ready to accept that she was never coming back. But now that she is back, I'm more than happy.

Plus, Mike is smiling again. We might even be able to start playing Dungeons and Dragons again! We couldn't play without a Dungeon Master, so we haven't played in almost a year. Now that El is back, I think we'll be able to play again soon.

I'm happy she's back. Lucas is being a bit sour about it, but that's just because she's gonna take up a lot of Mike's time. He'll get over it soon.



Part of me wishes she didn't come back, but not for the reasons you'd think. I'm happy she's back and I missed her a bunch. I know Mike will be happier now, but this doesn't benefit me at all. Not in the slightest bit.

Seeing her was amazing and seeing her so happy to see me felt great. Well, as great as it can possibly feel.

She's been back for a day and they're already dating? I know they're really close, but I think they rushed it. Mike is rushing it, he's taking advantage of El's obliviousness.

I'm glad they're both happy again, but they don't realize what it's like for the rest of us. Dustin is insanely happy to see her, which is expected. Will is just confused, which is also expected. And I'm just...torn.



I'm happy I got to meet El! I've heard so much about how pretty and caring she is from Mike, and I agree. She's gonna be a great friend, I can tell!

Seeing Mike so happy lifted the biggest weight off of my shoulders. I try not to blame him for how rude he's been recently, I know he was just in a lot of pain. But he's finally better, and I hope that means our friendship will also be better.

I think something is up with Lucas, though. He's just so sour about how close they are. I can't even begin to imagine why, considering he helped find her. He even admitted that he wanted to find her when he was at my house.

I'm not sure, but I do know that I'm happy about it. Mike is happy, I made a new friend, and everything will be better from now on.


Watch Will jinx it smh
Short again, but also needed to be! Hope you enjoyed anyway💝

edit, 12-16-18: wtaf this chapter is so pointless what was I doing—

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