Thirty Eight

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I made that^^ you're welcome
Longer chapter💝


I couldn't for the life of me figure out what that gate was. Sure, it's obviously just a hole leading from one place to another, but who opened it and what is it's purpose? Has Hawkins Lab changed their mind? Are they coming after Eleven again so they made a new gate? I don't know how they made the first one, even.

It was killing me. It's still killing me, but I can't do anything about it right now. I need to go to work, not that anything will happen. Nothing ever does. I still have to go, just in case.

I drove to the station at a leisurely pace, there weren't many cars on the roads. It was weird, considering it's Wednesday morning. It's also nine, so it's not like it's too early to be out. The roads and sidewalks are usually buzzing at this time. It made me nervous.

I arrived at the station and got out to see two extra cars out front. They're regular cars, too, so what's going on?

I went inside and it was chaos. Everyone was bustling around quickly, doing what looked to be five things at once. This hasn't happened in a year, not since Will went missing.

"What's going on?" I spoke loudly, and everyone stopped to look at me. A woman and a man ran up to me, and the woman was talking frantically. "Ok, ok, slow down. Let's go to my office," I spoke over her, then led the way. We got inside and the second I closed the door, she was on a rant.

"My daughter is gone! I don't know where she is, but she's gone! I went inside for not even two minutes and when I went out again, she was gone!" She was yelling, her words were jumbled.

"Ok, we'll find her, don't worry. Let's start off slow, ok? Why did you leave her outside?" I spoke calmly, but loudly. Being assertive will not help right now, I learned that with Joyce.

"Well, she's thirteen, for one! It's not a problem, you can leave kids outside!" She was freaking out again, so I tried to calm her down again.

"I know, it's ok. I just need to know why she was outside. Please, stay calm, we'll find her. Tell me what happened," I was gentle, and what I assume to be her husband grabbed her hand. She took a deep breath, then continued.

"She was at school and she was getting picked on by these other girls. They pushed her down and she landed badly and cut her leg open. She came home crying and I didn't want her to spread blood everywhere. It's stupid now, I wish I would've taken her inside. But I didn't, I went in and got a wet cloth and a bandage. I hurried back outside and she was just...gone." Her voice broke at the end, and I felt bad. Losing a kid, I sure know how that feels.

"You said she was bleeding?" I asked in a breathy voice, and she nodded. "And this was during the day? Was anyone around, did anyone see?" I was almost as frantic as her now.

"No, we live in a really secluded area." She shook her head, her voice weak. This is bad, this is really bad.

"Listen, all I can tell you for right now is to stay calm. Make missing person posters and hang them up. Call everyone you know, I'll have search parties out." I ordered on accident, but I think it will help ground her a bit. She nodded, and her husband agreed. "Hey, listen, this happened a year ago. I don't know if you remember, but a young boy the same age was taken. I just need you to know that there is hope, because he's here and alive and perfectly fine. I'm confident I can save your daughter."

"Thank you so much, Chief. I'll get right on those posters and calling everyone," She promised, and they helped me fill out a missing person report. They left and I was almost right behind them.

"Get searching, as soon as possible. I need to inform someone of this, I'll be back," I yelled as I walked through the main area of the station. I didn't hear a response as I jogged to my car and raced away, putting my siren on. I was more than speeding, but I don't care at this point.

I was at the middle school quickly and rushed inside. I basically burst into the office and Principal Coleman turned to me with a shocked expression.

"I need five kids. Will Byers, Michael Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, and Eleven." I ordered, and he nodded and rushed out of the room. It wasn't long before they were back and the kids all looked so scared. "I'll be taking them with me."

"Chief, I don't think you're allow-" He tried to argue, but I cut him off.

"These kids are coming with me, it's very important," I spoke in a very firm voice, and he didn't argue again. He let me have them and we all left quickly. They kept asking what was happening, so I shushed them. "Not yet, I'll explain soon."

We got in my car and I raced to the high school next. I went inside and the high school principal was a lot more cool about it.

"Who do you need?" She asked nicely, and I rushed the names out.

"Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, and Steve Harrington." Steve isn't included too much, but he knows about the monster, so maybe it's best if he's informed. Also, it doesn't hurt to have an extra mind helping out.

They arrived very quickly, and I didn't get a real confirmation before leading them out of the school.

"Follow me, we're going to your house, Jonathan," I ordered, and they hurried to get into Jonathan's car. No one said a word, probably seeing my determined face and not wanting to say anything. We all raced to the house and everyone followed me to the door. Jonathan unlocked the door and we all rushed in. Joyce was on the couch doing laundry and gave me a very confused look.

"It's happening again. I don't know how, but it's happening. A little girl was taken, someone in your grade. She was bleeding and there was no witnesses. The only problem is that it happened in broad daylight," I explained, and no one had anything to say. They were in shock.

Then, all at once, almost every single person in the room started to cry. This is going to break us.

✓ Wake Up, Mike ⇔ Mileven {1st - "Wake Up, Mike" Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now