Chapter 7

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I woke up in the middle of the night to change Ravie's diaper and make her another bottle. To my surprise Reese and Keisha were in the living room talking. I gave Ravie to Keisha as I went to make her bottle. I heard her say 'I'm going to bed' then a little while later I heard her come in the kitchen so I turned around.

"I'm tired girl. Reese has Ravie. I'll see you in the morning."

She did a fake ass yawn as a smile played on her lips then she left in the direction of her room. I sighed and finished the bottle then tested it and went into the living room. I gently took her from him then headed to the nursery and sat in the rocking chair. I heard little cries then looked over and saw Reese's baby girl, who was 6 months, sitting up in her crib. He came in and picked her up.

"What's wrong with daddy's little girl?"

He sniffed her diaper then laid her on the changing table. I finished burping her then laid her on the other changing table and changed her. After we both finished changing them we rocked them back to sleep and put them in their cribs which were right across from each other. I gave both of them kisses on the forehead and he did the same then we walked out. I went down the hall to my room and got back in bed. A few minutes after I got in bed I felt it deepen and warm, masculine arms wrap around me.

"I don't want to put you or baby girl in danger. With the life I live I've been making a lot of enemies. I can't have you 2 looking over your shoulders or living a life of fear. Of course I want you to be mines, but it can't happen."

He held me tighter and I snuggled up to him then fell asleep.

*M O R N I N G*

When I awoke my bed was empty and so was my heart. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Keisha.

**K-Thug: Ay bitch get yo lazy ass up!! Nah I'm kidding. Good morning sis-in-law. The babies are sleeping and I'm out with my son. Reese got ghost this morning to handle him. The double stroller is already in your car and so are both car seats in case you decide to leave. Love you guys =) **

I sent her a quick text then checked on the girls who were both still asleep so I ate then took a nice relaxing shower. As I was doing my hair the door opened and Reese walked in.

"I thought you had left?"

"I did. Came back. Where you going?"

"Taking the girls to the park."

I finished curling my hair then went back into my bedroom and began getting dressed. Afterwards I walked into the nursery and both girls were dressed.

"I'll put them in their car seats. I packed the bags so you can just grab them."

I nodded my head and grabbed them along with my purse then we headed out.

*P A R K*

The girls were still asleep so we just sat in the car for a while.


I looked over at him.


"I meant what I said last night. I really want to be with you."

"You won't though."

"It's not that I won't. It's that I can't."

"Can't isn't in a man's vocabulary."

He sucked his teeth.

"Listen aiight. First things first I'm a real ass nigga and if I wasn't then I wouldn't be tryna protect you and shorty. You're dead ass mad that I won't be with you. Look at the bigger fucking picture. I'm tryna protect ya!!"

"Lower your fucking voice the girls are sleeping. I am looking at the bigger picture. Niggas see me and always say 'That's Reese wife don't fuck with her' so what I'm not understanding is what the fucking problem is if people already think we're together."

"I love you too much to let a nigga take the spot that I should have, but I also love you too much to let you get hurt or killed."

He got out the car and I sat there stuck. Wait. Did Tyrese 'Reese' Gibson really tell me that he L O V E S me??

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