Second First Steps

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A/N: Ay yo wattpadians, thanks for all the new reads! I was getting worried about this story but my faith is restored. thx love youuü

Castiel POV

The day was dragging on, but Castiel was motivated by the promise of Dean. Patient after patient he checked up on, patient after patient he remained amicable until finally he got to make his way towards the burn unit.
His shoes clicked faintly on the tiles as his mind danced around the idea of holding Dean in his arms, helping him onto his feet, laughing together as Dean would almost fall. He shook his head to clear it, he was a doctor and Dean was his patient; nothing more - at least... he shouldn't be. Castiel grinned to himself, he was never really one for following rules that he didn't agree with. His hand grasped the doorknob automatically, it snapped him out of his thoughts. Taking a deep breath Castiel opened the door and went inside, after all he had been waiting for this all day.

"Dr. Novak," Dean greeted him warmly. "I thought you would have been here earlier."
Castiel forced himself not to smile as he spoke, "I'm sorry, there was a very tight schedule today."
Something in Dean's smile wavered, "Oh."
Castiel produced his stethoscope and tuned in for a few moments. Dean's heartbeat sounded good. Still listening, Castiel flickered his blue eyes up to meet Dean's green ones and the reaction was immediate. Dean's heartbeat faltered for a moment before starting to beat just a little faster than normal. Castiel froze, was his stethoscope telling him what he thought it was telling him?
"Is there some Led Zeppelin playing in there or something?" Dean said, effectively halting Cas's train of thought.
"Ah, no," Castiel said, quickly stowing his instrument away again, but internally smiling.
Dean smirked and Castiel barely controlled the impulse to wipe the stupid look off his face with a kiss.
"Well doc, what's in it for me today?" Dean smiled up at him.
Castiel smiled back, finally some good news for the soldier.

"Today you're going to get back on your feet," he grinned.
Dean's reaction was immediate, his face split into a wide grin. "Fuck yes," he whispered.
"I thought you might say that," said Castiel, his heart doing the two step as he pulled Deans covers out of the way and guided his legs so that he was sitting up on the edge of the bed.
"Can you wiggle your toes for me?" Castiel asked as he knelt down in front of Dean trying to stay professional while he felt like he would collapse just from being so close. Castiel took one of Dean's feet in his hands, and payed attention to the muscles moving as Dean moved his toes. Castiel needed to calm down, as a doctor his reputation was everything.
Dean wiggled his toes.
Castiel inwardly smiled, this was going well.
"Good, now swing your legs."
"Wow Cas you like to have control don't you."
Castiel looked up at Dean and he winked. Castiel drew in a sharp breath, he just wanted to ravish him right there. "Cut it out!" the voice in his head said. "He's probably not even gay! That was a playful wink and you are forgetting your place!!" Castiel forced himself not to smile back. Play it cool.
"I'm a Doctor, that's my job," he said in the huskiest voice he could manage without drawing attention to himself. Dean's legs tensed under his hands, and Castiel feared for a moment that he had blown it.
Dean laughed nervously, reaching down to adjust his bed gown around his legs. "Right, uh well, um, how do my legs look?"
Castiel smiled, whatever he had done seemed to have worked.
"You're legs look great, let's get you up," Castiel said as he stood, holding out an outstretched hand towards Dean.
Dean met his eyes before slipping a work-worn hand into Castiel's smooth professional ones. The contrast made Cas shiver and he tried to steady himself as Dean got to his feet. Dean's legs shook slightly and he adjusted his posture, trying to find balance.
"How do you feel?" Castiel inquired once his patient was standing fairly upright.
"Embarrassed," he admitted, looking down at his feet.
"Why would you feel embarrassed??" Dr. Novak said, trying to catch his gaze, his stomach leaping frightfully. He was very aware of Dean's warm hand still inside of his.
"I don't know if I can walk, and this hospital get up has me feeling exposed," Dean looked at Cas, his eyes searching.
Castiel grinned reassuringly. "Don't worry Winchester, you'll be walking around on your own in a short time. And as for the exposed part well, as a doctor there's not much I haven't seen before."
Dean laughed, it was a low melodic sound that reverberated through Castiel and seemed to strike all the right chords. "Thanks doc."
"You're welcome, now try to take a few steps forward. Can you manage?"
Dean tried to put his foot forward but wobbled suddenly and grabbed onto his doctor's bicep to keep his balance. The abrupt pressure on his arm made Castiel gasp, but it didn't hurt.
"Ah, sorry but I don't know if I can -"
"Don't concern yourself, here you can put your arm around me if you want to."
Dean looked at Castiel in a way that made his heart beat so loud Cas was sure that Dean would catch on. He felt short of breath, Dean was so close he could smell the manliness of his skin, like sun warmed earth, pine forest and gun powder. He tried to keep himself from wobbling too. Without another word Dean slipped his muscled arm over Castiel's shoulders.

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