Coming Together

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Castiel POV

Midnight was fast approaching and as much as Castiel wished it would come even quicker, he wished that he could just not show up. What if Dean wasn't there? What if he just made a fool out of himself and Dean was fast asleep ignoring the quiet doctor who had tried so hard to be enticing. What if Dean wasn't gay? What if he - stop. Castiel had to stop himself from overthinking any more. He told Dean to be there, and he bloody well was going to go even if Dean wasn't. If Dean didn't show well then that was that, and he could work on removing him from his head instead of encouraging the whole thing.
Darkness had already settled in over the base, and the usual bustle of officers and soldiers was coming to a stand-still. People were turning in for the night early because they could, sleep tended to be scarce around here and everyone took what they could get. However, as per usual, Castiel was laying awake in his bunk, his thoughts milling about like the butter in a churn. With a huff he checked his watch again - 23:44. Oh, whatever. Maybe the cool night air would clear his head like it normally did...

Dean POV

He was sitting outside the watchtower smoking, Dean had tried to kick the habit but it just hadn't worked out for him too well. Strictly speaking, he wasn't really allowed to smoke, but it calmed his nerves and boy did he need that now. Even as he sucked in a deep breath of the poisoned smoke his hands shook. He was going to see Castiel tonight and he'd either have to get rid of him for good or make his feelings known and Dean didn't particularly like the options. On one hand Castiel was one of the best things that could have possibly happened to him at this stage in his life, but on the other he could quite possibly become the worst. Guilt from Andy still lingered about him like a stain that wouldn't wash out, and Dean also had his reputation to worry about. His rep was everything to him in the army, and if he lost that well - civilian life just wasn't for him. He couldn't be sent home over a little crush. But was it just a little crush? It felt like more than that sometimes, like today when Dean found that drawing, what he felt then felt and awful lot like lo-. No. He would NOT go there. Dean took another deep breath from his cigarette, the end of it glowed orange before he stood up and crushed the butt under the heel of his heavy, army issue boots. Dean glanced at his watch, it was 23:57, if he was going to go, he had better go now.

Castiel POV

00:06. Where was he? Anxiety climbed up Castiel's throat, he was probably making a fool out of himself right now. Dean was asleep and Castiel was an idiot. He pressed the heels of his hands up against his eyes, even though the armoury had soft sand up against the outward facing wall, Cas's ass was still going numb from sitting on it. He'd been here about twenty minutes already and all he'd done was worry. Dean wasn't coming, it was beyond stupid of Cas to pull a move like that. Suddenly there came a sound, a footstep, the sound of someone walking on gravel. Castiel froze and tried to press himself up against the wall, tried to make himself invisible. What if it was Dean? What if it was his commanding officer? Both options were equally terrifying, and in both cases he had no good speech prepared. The outline of a man came around the corner and Castiel let out a little puff of air. It was Dean. He heard his hoarse whisper next.
"I thought you weren't coming," Castiel said, looking out towards the desert as he tried to seem nonchalant. He carried too much hope in his voice to pull it off however.
"How could I turn down a mysterious offer like this?" said Dean offhandedly, as he took a seat next to Castiel. They were just a little too close for it to be casual.
Castiel felt his heart pumping underneath his skin, it felt like it had to work twice as hard to get the blood around when Dean was this close.
"Uh yeah," said Cas, he didn't think Dean would show up, and this created the problem of what to actually say.
"You're not wasting my valuable sleeping time are you?" asked Dean sarcastically. How was it that he always seemed so comfortable, like he adapted to his situation quicker than a person could blink. Maybe that's what made him such a good soldier.
"I should hope not," said Cas simply, as he looked from Dean's shadow-shrouded face to the blackened desert beyond the fence. The silence became comfortable then, like suddenly they didn't have to say anything for it to be okay. Out of the corner of his eye Cas saw Dean look skyward.
"They're beautiful."
It didn't take a genius to tell what Dean was looking at. The stars were spread out above them like a huge celestial blanket. Way out here in the desert there were not cities to blot out their spectacular glimmering beauty. Something stirred within the two, that deep primal feeling that is triggered by stargazing - the feeling that man has felt since he could first feel. The wonder and the fascination that the stars hold, the everlasting question of what is really out there. The moments felt suspended as the unchained Milky Way wrapped around the night sky and bound them together in a way that they couldn't fathom. Maybe it was fate or maybe it was simply circumstance, but as a single bright star fell into the blackness they looked at each-other and something felt right.

Castiel could just make out Dean's generally taunting grin in the darkness, and he did his best to smile back.
"Did you make a wish?" Dean said teasingly.
"As a matter of fact, Dean, I did make a wish."
Dean blinked at him when Castiel didn't continue. "Well? What was it?"
"Uh uh ahh," Castiel said waving his finger, "if I told you then it wouldn't come true."
"Oh come on, I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," Dean was grinning. This whole thing reminded Castiel of the nights where they used to pass notes by firelight.
"I don't know if I should tell you," Castiel said, continuing the teasing banter.
"Come on you can tell me anything," Dean taunted.
"I scarcely know you," Castiel whispered, suddenly soulful. Abruptly the entire mood had changed.
Dean laughed softly. "And yet," he said, gesturing vaguely at their entire situation. "Here we are."
Castiel looked back at him, echoing his words. "Here we are."
"To be honest it feels like I'm in some kind of movie," Dean confessed, suddenly ten times more aware of Castiel's body heat and their proximity.
"Like what kind of movie? A chick flick?" It was Cas's turn to tease.
Their fingertips bumped together on the sand but neither of them drew their hands away. In fact Dean seemed to edge a little closer and the tension between them increased tenfold. It was like someone had pulled all Castiel's heartstrings into taught lines. Like his heart had been replaced by a hummingbirds and neither of them could measure their heartbeats, or even find them.
"This isn't a chick flick." Dean said, turning his eyes away slightly, trying to reduce the amount of sparks that were flying.
"But you wish it was," Castiel replied quietly and Dean's attention was returned.
"Why's that?" Dean said, ears straining for Castiel's reply.
"So you could kiss me." Castiel said.

The reply came out in a soft woosh, and the only noise in the night was the sound of their two hearts thudding.

Castiel felt disconnected from his body, like he was the molecules in the air, but suddenly he was roughly pulled back into his body by the feeling of Dean's hot, coarse hands on his face. A glint of light caught in Dean's eyes and the green hue was illuminated for just a second before Castiel felt Dean's soft lips on his.
The warmth startled him, the texture, the delicate tenderness in which Dean worked him over with. He could hear the blood rushing in his ears, loud and consuming, but it was not so consuming as the sureness, the pressure of Dean's soft lips against his own. Dean tasted like fine scotch and vaguely of cigarette smoke, but most of all he tasted like apple pie.
It was like a chemical reaction, like the right number of electrons had found each other. Dean's hands were on his back, clutching him tightly as Castiel tried to return the passion that Dean was kissing him with. His hot fingertips seemed to burn right through his jacket and the feeling of desire blossomed all over his body. Castiel held Dean against him as Dean put his fingers in Cas's dark messy hair. Their lips pressed eagerly to each other's and they moved their lips in synchrony with their throbbing heartbeats. It felt like falling and flying all at the same time.

A/N: HOLY SHIT! I've wanted to write this scene for AGES!

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