Making Midnight Plans

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A/N: Thank you guys sm for 150 reads <3 I'm sorry that I'm shitty at updating, I'll try to be better. Just know that I have no intention of quitting writing this so even if an update takes a little while it will still eventually show up. Love you all.

Castiel POV

It had been just over two weeks since Castiel had first helped Dean get back on his feet again. He often thought about the day when they fell over each other and everything had seemed so much less impossible. When their skin had touched and their eyes had met, when Dean was just a little less distant and everything was just a little more okay. Castiel looked up from his sketchbook, still mildly lost in thought. He liked to sit outside and draw on the slow days.

Those days where nothing moved, where there was no wind and the sun hung in the sky like a reddish lightbulb that was just about to go out. The days when the light cast over the courtyard made everything a sort of lazy yellowish colour, like a faded photograph. Those were the days when Castiel most liked to sketch, there was a certain stillness that came with them and a kind of stifling uneasiness that made his drawings come out with an undertone of violence. It might have put some people off but he liked it, it was a level of angst he couldn't portray on a normal day. His sketchbook was perched flatly on his knees and Castiel sat in his usual place; a bench beside the basketball court. He looked over the players and felt a pang in his chest. Dean was playing to exercise his legs, they hadn't talked in at least seven days and it was setting Castiel on edge.

He gazed down somewhat blankly at his drawing, he was half-tempted to crumple it up and burn it but at the same time he wanted to keep it. That was kind of how he felt about Dean now, of course they couldn't be an item and Castiel just had to let it go but something wouldn't let him - he still cared too much. He looked back down at the drawing of Dean on his paper, he was shooting a hoop with a big eager grin on his face. Castiel smiled slightly and brushed a finger over the black and white details of his face. He sighed, of course he would keep this.

"Dr. Novak?" Called the playful voice of someone who knew that they didn't have to call him that. Castiel looked over his shoulder to see who was approaching. It was one of the nurses - and his best friend - Charlie. He smiled at her and closed his sketchbook before placing it in the bag opposite of him. He moved it so Charlie could sit down.
"How's it going?" Castiel asked her, with genuine interest as she sat down.
"Ah not much different than usual, kinda happy it's a chill day though." She said rubbing her hands on her thighs.
"Me too, it's a good day for drawing," Castiel replied.
Charlie nodded, looking at the shirtless men playing basketball with a kind of hidden distaste. "How the hell can they play in this weather? It's sweltering hot."
Castiel gave her a pointed look. "It's always hot Charlie, they make use of what they have I guess."
She shot him a sudden grin, "got your eyes on any man-candy today?"
Castiel jumped slightly, "shhh, be careful who you say that around!"
"Oh Cassie, would you RELAX, nobody is gonna hear us or care so spill!"
Castiel rolled his eyes at her and folded his arms. "None of your beeswax."
Suddenly Charlie moved so fast that he barely had time to react. She grabbed his sketchbook and started hunting for the most recent sketches.
"Charlie what are you doing!? Give that back!" Castiel said panicked, it was the wrong thing to do because she heard it in his voice and grinned at him slyly as she held it away from his reach.
"Just let me look!!" She hurriedly flipped through the pages.
"'Scuse me," a rumbling voice interrupted.
Both Charlie and Cas stopped their squabbling and looked up. It was Dean. Cas felt his heart start to thump in his chest, he hadn't talked to Dean for what seemed like ages.

"I'd give the man back his book if I was you," he said to Charlie as he loomed over her. He was tall, and he was sweaty and he wasn't wearing a shirt. The sun glinted off his abs, biceps and pectorals, a thin sheen was glazed over his neck, making it seem to sparkle in the light. Castiel's mouth was dry, he wanted to run his hands all over that body, to get to know every dip and every turn-
"What are you gonna do if I don't?" Charlie said, standing up on top of the bench and gaining some height on Dean. He gave her a look and snatched the book right out of her hands. Dean handed it to Castiel.
"Now unless you want me to pick you up and move you're tight little ass off of this bench I suggest you skedaddle. I've got some questions for my doctor." Dean said, looking at her like he was still taller.
Charlie rolled her eyes at him and jumped off the bench. She flipped him the bird before she walked away.

Dean sat down beside Castiel and looked him over once but he didn't say anything.
"Questions for your doctor?" Castiel said, surprised when he managed to keep his voice steady.
Dean held his gaze in an almost tender way. "Eh they're not really doctor questions I just wanted that chick to stop pestering you."
Castiel huffed, "so you think I can't take care of myself is that it? That was Charlie, we're friends."
Dean looked a little embarrassed but he quickly pulled the cool-guy aura over him again and the expression vanished. "That's not it I just -" Dean trailed off. "You've been sitting here all morning, what are you drawing in that book of yours?"
"Not much really, I'm just thinking." Castiel's voice did quake this time, Dean's proximity had such an effect on him.
"Oh, alright then," Dean said, running out of things to talk about it seemed. He pushed his hand through his hair and turned to look into Castiel's blue eyes.
Castiel was worried, he hadn't talked to Dean in ages and now here he was being boring as fuck. He wracked his brains for a good way to remedy his situation but came up empty, luckily Dean spoke up, this time in a softer voice.
"I've missed you," Dean's guard was suddenly non-existent.
Castiel's heart leap in his chest, and his face felt extremely red. He cleared his throat suddenly and shifted on the bench. "Oh, um.. uhh," he stuttered nervously. Castiel tried desperately to keep his cool but he couldn't hide his embarrassment.
Dean wiped his seemingly sweaty palms on his pants and stood up quickly. Readjusting himself, readjusting his defence. He opened his mouth to say something that would cover his tracks but Castiel beat him to it.
"If you miss me so much then meet me behind the armoury at midnight and we can-" Castiel stood up so he was roughly eye level with Dean. He leaned in just a little so that they were just closer than what would be a comfortable distance. "-catch up." he finished. Then, heart pounding, blood racing, he scooped his things into his arms in one swift movement and walked swiftly away before Dean could say anything at all.

Dean POV

Dean felt numb. It was like everything went still and quiet. Did that really just- did Cas just, just...? His thoughts were so discombobulated that he couldn't form a coherent thought. Suddenly he let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, this wasn't what he had set out to do - but it had worked out a lot better than he could of hoped. Dean watched Castiel walk away, admiring his tight ass and wondering what his doctor had in mind for him tonight. He was almost about to turn back to the court when a slip of paper fell from Cas's pile of books. Dean looked around, no one seemed to have noticed it. He paused and as Castiel turned the corner Dean rushed over to pick up the paper.
It was lying in the dust, and it was just about to blow away before Dean snatched it off the ground, not really sure what to expect. He took up the dusty paper and turned it over and what he saw sucked the breath out of his lungs. It was a black and white, extremely detailed sketch. It was clear that Castiel had drawn it and the accuracy was astounding. Dean held the drawing tenderly, feeling a kind of abrupt clarity as he looked down at it. As he looked down at the drawing of himself.

A/N: It's Remembrance Day in Canada and I would like to dedicate this chapter to all the soldiers who have died for us, you will be remembered.

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