A Cold Shower Won't Help

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Dean POV

He pulled apart from Castiel's hands, he needed to take this in for a moment. He watched Castiel's ragged breaths rise and fall, quite aware that he was the reason for Cas's laboured breathing but Dean still couldn't believe what just happened, it felt like something that he had dreamed. He touched a finger to his lips that felt like they were vibrating, just to make sure that it really happened. It had been ethereal, like their lips had never touched but at the same time had burned imprints into his own. Dean was surprised at how right it had felt, he always felt a vague form of regret when kissing another man, even when it was Andy, but now he felt only reverence and longing to have Castiel under his fingers again.
He looked up at his doctor. He was sitting, panting in the sand, lips red-rimmed and flushed from the pressure of Dean's own. His hair was sticking up at all angles and his jacket had been left in the process of coming off. In short - he looked sexy. Suddenly Castiel was much too far away. Dean took it upon himself to close the distance again.

He pushed Castiel into the sandy ground, he kissed him roughy and massaged his lips against Castiel's. The man underneath him responded by letting out a faint moan, Dean smiled against Cas's lips, appreciating the effect he was having on him. He couldn't get over how he tasted. It was like spun sugar, like pears and white chocolate. Dean pulled his lips away and kissed down Cas's neck. Murmuring compliments against the smooth skin, Castiel moaned again, and Dean could feel himself starting to get hard, his boner starting to press up against Cas's leg. The way Castiel responded was so hot and as Dean kissed Cas' hands ran along the exposed skin around the hem of Dean's t-shirt. Dean could feel Cas's own length against his thigh as he returned his hot lips to the other man's. He was getting hornier by the second and he could feel that Cas was too. He ran his tongue over Castiel's bottom lip as they moved together until he opened his mouth and their tongues were finally able to tangle together in wet warm heat. He felt Castiel's hands suddenly gripping his ass and he couldn't stop himself from groaning in reply. His arousal was becoming too much to manage and he could hear Castiel murmuring incoherently for more. He rubbed his length against Castiel's leg in an effort to induce friction between them. He moaned louder this time unable to contain it, seeking approval from the man underneath him. Castiel gripped his ass in response and pulled Dean against him, their lips still clashing and chasing kisses Cas moaned into Dean's mouth as he worked him over.
"Give it to me Dean," Castiel lifted himself up a little bit to press his boner against Dean and Dean replied by gyrating his hips down over Cas - the younger man let out a low thready moan which only served to turn Dean on further. Dean could feel how hard Cas was and he increased the speed of his thrusts and ground his hips as they kissed fervently, the pleasure rising with every movement, he wanted more, he wanted this sensation to never stop. He went faster, drawing out moans from his partner but suddenly Castiel wasn't kissing him anymore and he was pushing him off. Dean had a hard time stopping himself but he managed to clamber off of Cas, his hard-on straining against his suddenly too-tight pants.

Dean sat on the ground, breathing heavily and feeling more than a little rejected. What had went wrong?
Castiel seemed to remember that the had the capability to speak, and opened his mouth, but was still out of breath. Finally after a few more pants he managed to put together a sentence.
"I'm sorry Dean, I want this but," he paused to judge Dean's expression. "It's too soon, it's too fast."
Dean's cloudy expression cleared all at once, he had thought that Castiel was rejecting him.
"No, I understand. You're right it's just," he ran a hand through his hair in an effort to gather his thoughts. "Fuck, you're so goddamn sexy."
Castiel laughed, a lovely melodic sounding giggle. "Same to you cowboy."
Dean was still painfully aware of how hard he was, it didn't seem to be going away on its own. He tried to ignore it as he edged closer to Cas again. "Cas," he began, making sure he had his doctors attention. "I'm so happy, I mean I'm so excited that, no I'm so glad that well, er..." The truth was that Dean was a lot better in bed than he was with explaining his emotions.
Castiel grinned at him. "Me too." His blue eyes flitted down to Dean's crotch. "I wish I could take care of that for you, but that kind of defeats the point I'm trying to make."
Dean's face grew hot at Castiel's sudden burst of confidence, but he kept his cool. "I wish you could too," he said winking. "I'll just go take a shower though."
"Or you could fix yourself up here and I could watch you do it."
Dean never thought of himself as the bashful type but suddenly he was redder than a beet, and he dipped his eyes. Castiel's words had gone straight to his dick, he was beginning to feel very exposed. He tried to find words for what he wanted to say but his mouth opened and closed like a fish gasping for air.
Suddenly he heard laughter, he looked up and Castiel was laughing like crazy, smiling like a maniac. "I'm just kidding loverboy, I'll walk you to the showers."
Dean glared at him but the look didn't hold any weight and he found himself collapsing into giggles as well. "Let's go."

Castiel POV

This was more than Castiel had ever hoped for, sure things had gotten out of hand really fast, but it seemed like the good kind of out of hand. Dean was the best kisser he'd ever had the pleasure of kissing and he was funny and hot and... Castiel just wanted to learn everything about him that he could. Figure him out, understand how he worked, find out everything that there was to know.
They walked in the shadows to the showers so that they could hold hands and no one would see. Everything felt in balance, like the state of equilibrium had been reached. This felt so right, and Castiel was more elated than he had been in a very long time. It seemed like too short of a walk to the showers and by time they were inside the building, Castiel wanted nothing more to climb inside the shower with Dean.
"So this is where I leave you," Castiel said.
"You don't have to leave," Dean said seductively, running a pair of fingers across Castiel's jawline.
Castiel reached up and pulled the fingers away, but kept them in his hand. "We've got to take this slow."
"We should," replied Dean. "But I really don't want to."
"Believe me neither do I, but it's important - at least to me." Castiel felt bad for blue-balsing Dean but if this was gonna work it needed to be more gradual lest it become a wildfire and burn up everything in its path in about ten seconds.
"Okay," Dean said, placing a loving kiss on Castiel's still-swollen lips. "If it's important to you it's important to me."
"Thank you Dean," Castiel said as he smiled. Dean seemed so opposite of what he had suspected. So far he was open and caring and soft hearted, he wasn't the permanent hard-ass, sarcastic, bad-boy that Cas had thought he was at first.
"Tomorrow night? Same place?" Dean asked hopefully.
"I have the nightshift tomorrow so," Castiel rubbed his upper arm shyly.
"Oh, too bad, we'll work something out." Dean was truly disappointed for a moment when suddenly he seemed to remember something. "Can you go now, I kind of have a matter to attend to?"
Castiel grinned at him. "Yes Dean," He kissed him again and left the shower-area. Unbelieving of what had just happened. It couldn't be real! This was too lucky, too good to be true. He needed to pinch himself.
Just as Castiel was walking out the door he heard the shower running and a faint moaning. "Cas, Caaaas.."
Castiel smiled, this was ridiculous, never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined this.

The cool night wrapped around him as Castiel walked back towards the barracks, the taste of apple pie still on his tongue.

A/N: Kinda the first time I've written gay smut so yeah that was probably pretty bad (apologies)

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