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i'd like to remind you that all of the characters, events, names (with the exception of celebrity names) are fictional, and all events similar to this is pure coincidence.

thank you!

also there are mentioning of things like mental disablities, gore and self mutilation, if you cannot handle these subjects then please don't read this thank you.

- danielle


"No." I narrow my eyes at the person standing in front of me. His blue eyes are annoyed and his arms are folded. His brown hair falls perfectly on his face, but his expression doesn't suit his features.

"Come on, he is your brother for Christ's sake." He mimics my expression leaving me exasperated.

"I know, but I am sure as hell not going to that hospital." I turn my gaze away from the boy in front of me, biting my lip. I never liked hospitals, really. Now my brother's stuck in one, fantastic, just fantastic.

"it's the least you can do, Harry." He says after a little while of silence.

"it's not like it's my fault he's in there!" I get up, tired of being the one stepped on.

"Funny. You're funny." He gazes down at me, and I squirm. 

"Fine. Fine. I'll go. I will go. Only because I know its my fault he's in there." I bite my lip even harder and it hurts afterwards.

"Fantastic, let's go." He nods.

"Now?" my eyes widen.

"Yes, now." He says, his tone ice cold.

"Okay. Yeah now." I walk towards the door, grabbing my coat off the hanger, and opening the door.

He walks up to me, and steps outside. I wince at the cold wind that's swirling around me, but step outside anyway.

We walk towards the car in complete silence, and the drive to the hospital is completely silent as well.

"Okay, get out. I'll see you in an hour." he half pushes me out of the car.

"An hour?" my voice cracks.

"Yeah, ya' wuss. An hour." he closes the door and starts the car. He then drives off, leaving me behind.

I sigh, and start walking towards the big white building. Its massive, as I've stated before, just a big box with windows.

I assume its supposed to be white, but it's so old, it's not this disgusting dirty white colour, I wince at the sight of it.

It's not like I was intimidated by the sight of it, which I was actually, its just the feel these kind of places had. Mental institutions were not the most welcoming places ever.

My short walk toward the building I spent thinking, thinking about Insley. He was my only sibling, and he was in here. See, a couple months ago, our father committed suicide in front of Insley and I. (god knows why.) It hit us pretty damn hard; we both were and still are traumatized. I worked extremely hard to keep myself occupied, try and forget about it, try and not go insane. Insley on the other hand did not succeed. He had obsessive-compulsive disorder, and something inside of him snapped when our father died. He had this compulsive desire to die, the desire got worse and worse; until he tried to kill himself. He swallowed a sharp object, and the doctor's found him with a razor blade down his throat.

At first I didn't think much of it, I mean it was a suicide attempt but I thought if I got him the correct help, he'd be okay. And he was for a few months, until the other day. I heard coughing coming from his room, at first I ignored it because Insley always coughed when his room was dusty or whatever. But then it got worse, I just heard these odd sounds coming from his room, so I went and checked on him. He was lying in the corner of his room, just covered in blood. His room looked like some sort of act of exorcism had taken place there. I called 911 and they took him away. He couldn't speak for weeks; all that came out were these low whispers or coughs. He went to the institution about a month ago and I refused to see him because I was afraid.

Now here I am, walking to see my only living sibling who had hit rock bottom.

I opened the doors and walked to reception.

"I'm here to see Insley Styles?" I say, my voice more of a low whisper than an actual sound.

"And you are?" the receptionist looks up, she is an old lady, with wrinkles and spots everywhere, dark circles under her eyes, and small hands.

"Styles. Harry." I reply

"Relative?" she asks again.

"Yes." I say.

"Alright. Come on." She gets up and we start walking. She doesn't say anything. I take in the surroundings, there are people in uniforms everywhere, taking care of people in green suits.

We arrive at a room labeled 'arts and crafts'.

"Wait here." She says and she walks in. I obey.

She comes out two minutes later with a blonde haired boy.

"Harry!" he smiles, his voice has returned, it's a little raspy but I've never been more grateful to hear him speak.

"Insley!" I smile, and actually smile.

He hugs me really tight, one of those actual 'oh my god im so happy to see you!' hugs.

"I'm so glad you came!" he actually looks euphoric standing in front of me. The scar going down his neck is still vibrant, and I cant help but wince as I look at it. He notices.

"It's just a scar, just like yours." He shrugs, and I blush.

"How are you?" he asks.

"I'm okay, you?" I finally regain control over my vocal chords.

"A lot better." He nods.

"That's wonderful. How's the hospital?" I bite my lip.

"The people are pretty nice, I met a nice girl and a bi-polar boy." He laughs softly, they're back in the arts & crafts room." His eyes travel to the door, and I look over to it as well.

"Oh, that sounds nice." I smile.

"Yeah, the girls got this weird disease though, I mean apart from being in here for claustrophobia. Her eyes are literally two colors! One's blue and the other green, it's wicked." He laughs, looking back at me.

"Seriously? Whoa, that sounds extremely cool. I'm glad you're enjoying it here." I laugh along with him, and I realize how much I've missed us just hanging out.

"Yeah! And good news is, I can be released next week. The psychiatrist says I'm good to go if I stay on my medication and find some new hobbies." He's beaming. A wave of relief washes over me, one more week and he's out, everything will be okay after that.

"This is amazing news, thank god!" I smile, I really smile, a relieved smile.

"Yeah, I can't wait to get home." He laughs softly.

"Can't wait to have you home." 

"Time's up, come on." One of the nurses call.

Insley looks toward me, and nods.

"See you on the other side." He does a little salute as he walks to the nurse.

"Gladly." I laugh, relieved.

That was it.


"Okay, are you sure you have everything because I am not driving you back here." I ask Insley.

"Yes, I'm sure!" he sighs.

"Then let's go." I reply, impatient.

"Hold on." He runs over to a girl and a boy, the girl's hair is white as snow, and her eyes are two different colors. She was the most terrifying thing I'd ever witnessed; yet I enjoyed staring at her. The boy beside her looked fairly normal. They all hugged and Insley ran back to me.

"Okay now we can leave." He says, a bit out of breath.

"Finally." I reply, putting the last of Insley's things in the back of my car. He gets in the passenger seat.

I get in the driver's seat and start the car.

As soon as the engine's fired up, one of my CD's start blaring. I turn down the volume until its barely audible.

"Was that?" Insley eyes me carefully.

"Maybe." I reply.

He smiles triumphantly. He'd always listened to the band Two Door Cinema Club; I'd never been fond of their music lately it's just appealed to me.

We drive home, just listening to the soft music in the background, and Insley blabbering on about his experiences I listen intently.

I listen intently.

i rly hope you enjoyed the first part and please please please leave me some feedback below it would be super super cool!!

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