Chapter 1-

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Chelsea above⬆️

Chapter 1- The Airplane Ride To California-

-Courtney's POV-

I wake up to my alarm going off.
Ok so I have to get up it's already
Seven thirty and the flight is at nine thirty. And Chelsea my best friend is coming with me to California and to Devry University.
And my life has been hell since school first ended when my ex- boyfriend, Jace Camps broke my heart by dumping me for Jenny Lighters. I was super heartbroken when he dumped me and I've been depressed ever since and people say he already left for college somewhere far away right away after graduation.
But yeah so I'm just glad I don't ever have to see his face ever again. And plus Asher left too. So lucky me but I feel bad because Asher broke up with Trixie one of my friends and he loved her and it's just really sad.
She deserves someone much better then Asher because he's a total jerk off and asshole.
"Honey you gotta get ready because Chelsea is already here. So hop in the shower and get ready and I'll cook you guys pancakes and I already brought Chelsea's and yours boxes and stuff in your rooms." My mom says interrupting my train of thought as I nod and she leaves and shits the bedroom door as I grab my white crop top that's says study less and party more and my pink leather tight skirt that goes with the crop top with a sports bra and my black leather jacket,socks,iPhone 6S, charger,headphones, and my heeled black boots and shut my bathroom door and turn the light on and hop in the shower once I undress and get the water at the right temperature.
It takes me a half hour to rinse my body, get shampoo and conditioner in my hair then rinse it out and then wash my body with body wash and then I have to shave my legs quickly. And then I turn the water off and grab my body towel and wrap it around my body and grab my hair towel and wrap it in my hair. I quickly dry my body and quickly get dressed and put makeup on and then let my damp hair down and brush it and brush my teeth and then I grab my purse and put my makeup and brush and tooth paste and tooth brush and phone with charger and headphones and stuff it all in my huge coach purse and shut the light off and open the door as out my purse on walk down stairs where I smell the fresh smell of delicious pancakes and run down to the counter and eat up all my pancakes.
Ten minutes later we tell my mom goodbye but my mom insists she can drive us to the airport and then Xander (the one that broke up with Chelse) will pick us up but my mom gave us each our own check and told us to buy new cars so we let her drive us to the airport as we buckle up in her car as she starts the engine of her Mustang and drives us to the airport as fast as she can.

When we get to the airport we give my mom a hug and kiss on the cheek and say goodbye and my mom yells,
"Baby! Don't forget to call me when you get there!" My mom yells at me as we get on the plane and sit in the way back of the airplane.
I soon fall asleep five minutes later since we have four hours till we get there since we are leaving Miami.
I just hope I don't run into Asher or Jace I'm really pissed off at them right now.

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