Chapter 6-

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Mia above ⬆️ (Mia Raeley- she's Courtney's Other Best Friend)
Sparks- Hillary Duff

Chapter 6- Spin The Bottle- Truth or Dare Just Like Old Times

-Courtney's POV-

Right after Jace fainted well let's just say that Jenny also fainted apparently she can get nervous and have panic attacks easily so I quickly ran to the bathroom and got a cup of water and splashed it on Jenny's face.
Jenny awakes a couple minutes after I splashed water on her face.
She sits up and asks,
"Was it all a dream when you said Ted did those things to you?" She asks with worry and fear in her eyes.
"Nope. It was all real. Now you should get going." I say when I pop the P.
"What about Jason?" She asks. (She calls him Jason. Jason is his real name but everyone calls him Jace but she's the only one who calls him Jason.)
"Umm.. don't worry I'll make sure he's ok. But umm you should probably just forget about this. It's rather better if you forget about this but you should get going." I say helping her up as she nods and walks to the door and says,
"I'm really sorry what Ted did." As she opens the door and walks out as she shuts the door behind her.
I quickly run in the bathroom and get some water in the same cup that I splashed water on Jenny's face and filled it up with water.
Once the cup was filled I ran out of the bathroom and over to Jace's bed where he was laying on and splashed the water on his face as he finally wakes up.
"What the hell happened?! Please tell me that whole Ted thing was a dream?" He asks getting up as I set the cup on his night stand
"Nope and now if you excuse me I have to go. I'm meeting a friend today." I say turning around and walking over to the door, but before I even open the door I look back over to where Jace is now standing at, he's sad I can feel it I felt the spark and attraction especially the Connection I feel like he felt it too but I know it's nothing. So I just turn around and open the door and say,
"See ya later J." As I walk out the door and shut the door behind me as I start walking to my car.
When I reach my car I run into the most best person ever. Mia Raeley. She's Rosealee's and my best friend from Elementary school, middle school, and high school. And she's standing with a boy! Could that boy be who I think it is??? My best friend got set up with her crush without telling me??? Ok I'll forgive her this time.
"Long time no see Mee!" I yell running to her as she turns around and once she sees me she drops her stuff but her boyfriend picks her stuff up as she runs at me as I do the same thing. We hug super tight.
"Mee. Guess what? Jace is here and he's my roommate. But btw I have a boyfriend. His name is Shawn." I say pulling away from the hug.
"Oh my gosh? Really why would this happen? I'm so glad you have a boyfriend. Umm... do you remember Dustin?" She says asks pulling away from the hug.
"Duh I know exactly who he is. Wassup Dustin? You too dating yet? If not I can set ya too up? I'm pretty good at that now." I say giving him a high five. Yeah me and Dustin were friends in Seventh grade but he moved away after seventh grade. We weren't like best friends but we talked in my art class in seventh grade. But he's changed from cute to hot/gorgeous/sexy (btw I'm not going to ask him out or anything) but he has black wavy hair he's got baby brown puppy eyes he's got a six pack I think he got a nose job but yeah and he's dressed like a regular young adult and another thing is that in seventh grade he had a lot of freckles but not anymore.
"Umm.. yes we are. We've been dating since last summer." They both say at the same time.
"Ooh just so you understand if you break her heart I'll crush into little tiny pieces until you break and I'll make you suffer and pay until you wish you were never born. Got it?" I ask.
"Yes I understand completely because I would never hurt my princess." He says kissing her left cheek.
"So you guys can come to my dorm?" I ask as I start walking and they nod.
When we make it my dorm I open the dorm room door and Jace isn't anywhere to be seen.
"I need to tell you something. Dustin do whatever you please but no touching my stuff. If you do I'll kick your ass I know when something moved so don't do it." I say warning him as Mia and I walk into the bathroom as I turn on the light and she shuts the door behind us.
"Ok. What do you need to tell me?" She asks waiting for an answer.
"Umm. So you remember Ted? Well I ran into him today and you can imagine what happened if you take a minute to look at my outfit and body." I say as a tear falls to my cheek.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. If I were there I woulda kicked his fucking ass." She says.
"And now Jace wants to beat his ass." I say wiping my tears.
"It's ok. I'm gonna go see Dustin stay in here to calm down ok." She says opening the door and opening it a little so I can hear anything after she sees Jace. She knows how much I still like him.
"She's still in the bathroom so please don't bother her because she needs to calm down oh hi Jace." She says.
Next I hear Dustin and Jace talking.
"So are you and Courtney dating?" Dustin asks.
"Umm.. well actually I screwed things up with her and I want to take her back but it's too late she's already got a boyfriend and she doesn't wanna take me back. I wish I never dumped her and she said I can be friends with her and I wanna be more but the only way to keep her out of my mind is to be hooking up with girls and it's the only way to keep her off my mind but it's to late..." After that I smile a little but quickly turn the light off and shut the door quickly and then open it so he doesn't know I was listening. When I walk out they change the subject and start talking about sports.
"So guys wanna play truth or dare? What about spin the bottle? You guys up for it? What about a sleepover we can invite some friends? What about Asher and Mel? Chelsea and Xander? And Rosealee and Chase? I think it was?" I ask and they look at me smiling.
"Duh." They say.
"Ok I'm calling Chels, Mel, and Rose I'll tell them to come over with Chase, Asher, and Xander." I say pulling out my phone.
"Hey Rose get Chase and pack up for one day your sleeping over at my dorm and Mia and Dustin are here so get packing and get here as soon as possible." I say as I hang up and say,
"I'll get Chelse, Xander, Mel, and Ash since there here." I say walking to the door and walking out and shutting the door and walking to Chelsea's and Xander's dorm and knocking on the door.
Both Xander and Chelsea answer the door.
"Both of you get packed up for one night your both coming over to my dorm and it's an order. Be in my dorm in a couple minutes or else Xander if you don't I'll cut your dick off and feed it to you in your sleep and then have you poop it out and staple it to your forehead and no one will ever want your sex and Chelsea I'll never speak to you again and let out every single secret out you've ever told me so hurry up." I say as they nod with horror on their faces as they shut the door and I walk down the hall over to Melanie's and Asher's Dorm.
I knock three times.
They both answer the doors
"Hey guys your coming over to my dorm for the night so pack up and Ash I know how you like spin the bottle and truth or dare and Mel you might get to make out with someone special so you better be there in a couple minutes and that's an order so hurry up." I say as they nod and shut the door as I walk back to my dorm and open the door and everyone except Mel and Ash are there.
I grab a beer bottle out of the mini fridge and start drinking out of it. Mmm I love that taste even tho it kinda burns my throat.
I finish it in three seconds and have everyone get in a circle just as Mel and Ash get there and drop their bags on the floor and sit down in the circle (but everyone is wearing shock from me drinking that whole bottle of beer) as I sit down and set the bottle in the middle and say,
"What? I've changed stop judging. Ok now we are playing Spin the bottle. But it's supposed to be played like whoever spins the bottle has to kiss the person it points to but we are gonna change it up a bit. Instead of kissing the person- well let's say Jace spins the bottle and it lands on me, then Jace gets to ask me truth or dare and whatever my choice is he gets to ask me what. So it's like truth and dare except we have spin the bottle. Do ya guys get what ya have to do to play now?" After I speak they all nod and either they knew something was up with my attitude and didn't wanna hurt me and dropped it or they didn't even notice.
"Ok who's going first?" Jace asks.
"Me..." I say.
But before I start Mia asks,
"I'm sick and tired of this. Court what's going on? You've been acting weird ever since that thing happened today?" And as she says that everyone looks at her and then me.
"What are you talking about?" Chelsea and Rose ask at the same time.
I quickly sigh and say,
"Ok Rose and Chels come on I'll tell you." I say as I get up and so do they.
"Hey Court are you sure you need to tell them?" Both Jace and Mia ask.
"I'm fine. I can tell them." I say as we walk over to the other side of the room.
"Ok this is really hard for me, but ya remember Ted? Well if you take time to look at my outfit and clothes, you'd figure out that I ran into him and it wasn't good and I barely made it out of there and Mia and Jace only knew because I told them first because they were their first so please don't get mad that I told them first." I say as a tear rushes down my cheek.
"Omg! Court. I'm not mad I'm just glad your ok. We shouldn't have brought it up. I'm so sorry." Chels says.
"Yeah god I can never stay mad at you I'm so sorry let's bring it in." Rose says as Chels and I hug her.
"Hey it's a hug let's get in there!" Both Mia and Jace say as everyone gets up and runs over to us and gives us a huge bear hug. I'm so glad I have friends. I know some of them haven't been here to long like Mel and Chase but I'm glad. Even though Ash was my old crush was horrible to me in middle school and high school he's still a friend and I hope we can still be friends.
"Thanks guys." I say smiling.
"Anytime. We are all here and if you need us we are here." They all say as we all pull away.
"Now let's play our game." I say as we walk back over to the circle and I spin the bottle, and it lands on Ash.
"Truth or Dare? Ash?" I ask.
"Dare." He says smirking.
"I......Dare........You too......... kiss the girl in this exact room that you secretly like. And ps no going back Asher." I say smirking back and then look at Mel who is looking down blushing, as I look back at Asher he's looking right at Mel.
He quickly crawls over to Mel and sits in front of her as he lifts her chin up so she's looking at him as she smiles he leans in super close and kisses her. That kiss lasts for like five seconds and then Mel returns the kiss as he moves back to his spot in the circle.
"Ok I forget to say something now after that person does what they are told from the truth or dare then they have to spin the bottle." I say as Asher spins the bottle and it lands on Jace.
"Truth or Dare? Bro?" Asher asks as Jace answers with a,
"I Dare you to go in the bathroom with the girl YOU TRULY LOVE and do whatever you please with her for ten minutes and no cheating with just making moaning noises." Asher says smirking at me and then smirking at Jace as Jace stares at me. I think Asher knows that I like Jace and I think he knows that he likes me. No because he doesn't like me at all- before I can think any longer, I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I'm yanked up and realize that Jace likes me he does. Oh my gosh Jason Camps likes me.
When Jace is pulling me into the bathroom I look at the circle where everyone is and all of them give me a thumbs up. I smile back as I turn my head back forwards as we get in the bathroom as he shuts the door behind us and locks it. I smile.
"Jenny was just a rebound. I can't stand you being with Him. I can't stand you being with him.. I regretted dumping you on graduation right away and when I found out Shawn took your virginity- well I wanted to be the one to do that. Because the truth is I don't wanna be friends with you." When he said that last sentence it crushed me. He doesn't even like me. I quickly tilt my head down and a tear reaches my cheek, as he lifts my chin up so I can look at him, as he wipes my tears he begins talking again,
"I wanna be more then just your friend. I want to take you back. I wanna change for you. And I know you said no making you fall for me or taking you back. But I love you, Courtney-" Before he could say anything else I smiled.
And once my smile was gone I held his chin and I kissed him really hard, so hard that he was pushed against the door. As I pull away I say,
"Well- I'm glad because Shawn was also a rebound I still love you and have since you dumped me." As he heard that he kisses me again and this time he turns me around and kisses me hard again and pushes me on off the door and carries me over to the counter and puts me down as he kisses me harder as he trails kisses down my body from my neck to my breasts to my thighs.
This time I pull him up to my height so that I can kiss him again and I do that. And as I miss him harder and harder he pulls away as he lets me take his shirt off and his Six Pack is showing.
"Hmm. I didn't remember you being this hot." I say smirking as he takes off my shirt.
I know, I know. Your thinking ooh there so going to get farther but no the ten minutes that we were promised from the Dare we were given from Asher were already up as our shirts and pants were already off as you know what happened next.
We were about to go farther until there was three knocks on the door.
"Guys it's times up." That's Asher's voice.
"Ugh. We'll about in a couple seconds." I say putting on my t shirt and tight jeggings as Jace puts on his jeans and t shirt.
I quickly peck Jace's lips and then move y lips over to his right ear and whisper,
"Till next time, you get to explore my body." as I jump back down to my height and unlock the door and open the door as walk out, smiling and shut the door, as I make my way back to the circle and sit down.
"So what happened in there? We heard noises?" All the girls ask as the guys sit there smirking.
"Well I can't tell you that's between me and Jace. And let me guess you guys were sitting by the bathroom door listening to every little thing?" I ask smirking as everyone backs away.
"I knew it. You guys were. Ha." I say just as Jace walks into the room and he's smirking and staring at me as he sits in his spot in the circle.
"So catch Jace and I up. What happened while we were gone?" I
"No big deal. Just that Xander and Chelsea was sucking each other's faces off. And so was Dustin and Mia and the same for Chase and Rose." Asher says.
"Ok. Chels can I talk to you?" I ask Chelsea as she gets up as we walk to the other side of the room.
"Chels I just wanna let you know. That Xander has been mean and has bullied me in high school. But I know that you never forgave him for getting into your pants and for him bullying me because your protective of me, I know how much you still love him. And he seems to be getting better. I want you to be happy so be with him do whatever you please with him, but I cannot stand to see you this sad and depressed you deserve him." I say looking at her as I hug her tightly.
"Omg! Thanks. I was gonna say the same thing about Jace. I think you deserve him. I can see how you feel with him." Chels says smiling as she pulls away.
"Look. There's something you should know. I'm still dating this guy Shawn. But it was only hooking up and I feel so bad but I really love Jace." I say looking down.
"Hey. Court. I understand why don't you and Jace go spill the news to both Jenny and Shawn. Right?" She asks as we walk over to the circle.
"Jace we need to tell Jenny and Shawn but you know what and break IT down to THEM." I say telling Jace as I emphasize my my words as he nods and gets up.
Just as we are about to tell everyone the news, well Jace's Phone Rings,
"Hello? Jenny wassup? Oh ok we'll be right there, yup. Bye." He quickly hangs up.
"Umm. We gotta go talk to Jenny and one of Court's friends about something but we will be back in no time." Jace says walking over to me and grabbing me hand and intertwining our fingers together.
"Ok. But me and Mel need to go and I'm pretty sure Mia and Dustin and everyone else has places to be in the morning right?" Asher says as everyone gets up and starts walking to the door as we just nod and say an "ok" as they open the door and leave as they shut the door.
"Ok. Lets go then." I say as he nods and we walk over to the door and open it as we walk our and I close the door behind us.

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