Chapter 5-

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Chapter 5-  A Cup Of Coffee And An Unexpected Visitor-

-Courtney's POV-

So once I got home last night you could tell that I was probably drunk because I went to the bar after I dropped Mel off at her dorm and I just kept drinking and drinking until all my feelings disappeared for Jace and it kinda made me feel better even though I'll probably be throwing up later.
But I don't give a shit about later because I need to get over Jace and I can't do anything about it. I think getting drunk just drains all my feelings away and it makes me feel better.

So when I was about to have another drink the bartender says,
"Hey we are closing up do ya have a ride home? You probably shouldn't be driving since your like really drunk and I'm pretty sure you only came here to drain all your feelings away right?" he says as he walks over to me.

Wow he's really hot...
"You done starin?" he asks as I stop staring and just say,
"Yeah? Hmm... Actually I don't have a ride do you mind giving me a ride cutie?" after I say that I use my puppy eyes and my innocent look that I do very good now. Since I've been practicing it since I was two years old.
"Yeah sure." He says with a twitch of a smile.
"I'll be right back." I say getting up and walking into the bathroom.
When I appear in the mirror I realize I just flirted with a hot guy and also realize why I wanted him to give me a ride and I need to do it to keep my mind off Jace.
So I quickly fix my hair and tighten my shirt so my boobs show (guys! I'm not a slut or anything but this is what normal girls do) I quickly rub my eyes and check myself out and then leave the bathroom and when I walk out I see the hottie standing by the door to outside staring at his phone with actual clothes- OMG! THAT T SHIRT IS SO FUCKING TIGHT THAT IT SHOWS HIS SIX PACK!! Ok calm down!

I quickly walk  over to him and he looks up as he sees me and the first thing he looks at is my boobs, but quickly looks me in the eye he must be shy. Mmmm I love shy guys.

"So ya ready?"he asks as I nod.
"yup." I say.
We quickly walk out to the parking lot as we walk over to a blue mustang and he opens the door for me as I hop in the passengers seat and buckle up and he  shuts the door as he runs over to the driver's seat and hops in the driver's seat.
He quickly starts the engine and indirect him to where my college is and he drives pretty fast for a shy guy.
When he parks in front of the front doors I say,
"Thanks for the ride..." I sat wondering what his name is.
"It's Shawn." He says.
"Well thanks Shawn." I say but before i can open the door I kiss him, but when I pull away I'm about to walk out of the car  as he pulls me back in the car as I shut the door as he crawls over to me and pushes me up against the door and kisses me harder as I push him away and grab his hair and pull him up to me so he's close enough to kiss me.
I kiss him harder as we make out, and well  you probably know what happens next.
But anyways thirty minutes later we get dressed and I kiss him again and give him my phone number as he gives me his  and I leave but when I go in my dorm room I slam the door shut and that must've woke Jace up because he gets up and turns his lamp ok as he walks over to me.
"Where the hell were you?" He asks.
"Out...." I say smiling.
"No because your clearly drunk. Who brought you home?" He asks looking me in the eyes.
"A bartender that I sorta slept with?" I answer as a question more then a sentence.
"Just get to bed." He says puffing his chests.
I just quickly get in bed after he turns off the lights.
Why the hell does he care if I slept with someone?
It doesn't make any sense but before I can think any longer my phone makes a buzzing noise and it's Shawn. I pick my phone up and click the answer button on my screen as I hold my phone up to my ear.
"Hello? Shawn? Wassup?" I answer.
"Hey baby? Umm... wanna grab some coffee tomorrow? I really need the company and tonight was really fun and really amazing." He answers through the phone call.
"Umm. Well baby I really had fun tonight too. And I'd love to have coffee with you tomorrow. I also need your company because I need to tell you something and I haven't told anyone this in a long time and I think since ya know we are seeing each other that you should know. Only all my best friends and well everyone at my old school before I graduated it did happen after graduation. And it's might make you feel weird because it's about my ex but I think you should know. But yeah coffee sound great Babe." I say finally talking. I can't even believe that I let that out without crying or sniffling and  when I looked up Jace was watching me and he had a worried look, Which he knows what I'm talking about and he probably saw that scared look I had on my face.
"Ok I love ya." He says.
"Yeah I love ya too. Bye." I say as he says goodbye and hangs up.
I set my phone down on my night stand and turn my lamp on and walk out of my bed to the bathroom and turn the light on and slam the door shut and slide down the door.
"Hey Courtney? You ok? Look I know things are awkward and bad for us but can we at least be friends? I hate seeing you like this. I know I screwed up but I want to be a good friend for you and what I did to you on graduation was wrong." Jace says through the door.
It takes me a couple seconds to start crying and wipe my tears as I get up and walk out and stand in front of him.
"Ok fine. But here are rules you get to follow, no fucking girls around me and when I walk through that door I don't want to see my ex fucking another girl and you will not take me back as your girlfriend or trying to make me fall for you because you probably heard my phone call, because I do have a boyfriend and if you beat him up, I will beat your ass up." I say walking away and getting in bed as he says ok and gets in his bed and I turn my lamp off and soon enough fall asleep.
I wake up from the sun shining through the curtains of the window on Jace's side of his bed where his windows are.

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