Chapter 10

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Ch. 18

By: Cutegirlmayra (I really need to edit these things more XP I just get so tried after writing them... I'll try and spot more this time, and maybe take my time. I keep trying to make the chapters longer, but I can't seem to hit that 12 page mark... I always fall short of 8 or 9. I'll keep trying though, I just love to end on cliffhangers xD)

Amy, gripping Silver's neck like a mother cat would pick up a kitten, tried to move him to safety over by a tree, and let him down.

"Ow...!" he didn't have the excess skin like a child would of had, so he fell down after she loosened her grip and caught himself before he went headfirst, and rubbed the back of his neck. "That hurt, Amy.." he looked like he was trying to just put up, politely, with her animalistic behavior, but he REALLY needed to talk to the real Amy, and not some-... some...

As he got up to his knees, he saw Amy rush to get a pile of straw and grass together, rushing back to throw or drop it around him, trying to make something comfortable for him. It was rather cute how endearing her actions were... He knew she was making some kind of bed out of the straws and leafs she found, just like for the Chao earlier, but he was slightly laughing at how determined and headstrong she looked as she continued to try and keep him comfortable.

"L-look, this is all really nice of you b-but-" he tried to get Instinct Amy's attention, smiling at her racing around him and grunting something as she hurried to finish her work. He was turning himself left and right trying to keep up with her, when she finally stopped, looked around, side stepped to him, huffed her approval at no potential threats, and just laid her head on his lab. She looked tried, and a bit afraid of whatever that noise was before. "...But you really should rest up." He wanted to ask her to change back again, but this other Amy wasn't really understanding his words anyway. "Instincts...this is it, huh?" he looked up, nodding and sighing, holding his hands up like 'what do I do now?' and flopped them down to his sides. "You don't make my job easy... do you know that?" he raised an eyebrow, looking down at her fondly as he couldn't find it in him to stay irritated too long.

He knew her since she was young.

And seeing her grown up to be such a cute little lady, well... he chuckled at how much she had grown from the day he first met her.

He didn't realize... however... that under normal circumstances, he would of just gotten more and more irritated before finally snapping. Amy's scent was affecting his behavior, and he didn't even know it.

He didn't even realize that his body was beginning to move on it's own, as his hand gently scratched her head as she laid down to rest a moment, but really, he was shaking her quills while doing so, moving them to get a better whiff of her smell.

All this, again, was subconsciously happening, and Silver had no idea what was to come from it...

"You know... this place... it's really beautiful." He looked above him, up at the palm trees and the tall grass that completely surrounded them in this type of thicket. "...I guess it's no surprise.." he looked back down at her, she was almost asleep, and he felt his eyes droop down as he began to be pulled more toward her. "That a world this beautiful... could bring up something equally as beautiful into it..." he moved his head down, not having the resistance that Sonic and Shadow possessed to realize what was happening, and just let the feeling and senses move and control him.

"Emm..." He completely surrounded himself with her scent, slightly rubbing against her head as Instinct Amy blinked her eyes open, before shooting them up, and looking up at him, moving off his lap slightly.

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