twenty seven

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a/n; so i am going to end this book at 30 chapters (in four chapters) !!! there will be a sequel though, if you guys would like that. let me know in the comments?!
8:27 a.m.

"good morning, ty." josh says, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"good morning, jishwa." tyler smiles, with the cutest morning voice.

"im going to go get dunkin' donuts. wanna come with?" josh asks, tyler sitting up and yawning.

"y-yeah. gimme a few minutes."

tyler slips on a clean shirt he had lying around, and fixed his hair in the dirty mirror.

he slips on his black vans, giving josh an "im ready" and they headed out the door.

8:36 a.m.

"what are you getting?" josh asks, looking at the menu board with a confused-thinking face.

"hm. i think im gonna get an iced coffee and a donut." tyler tells him with a nod.

"that doesn't sound like a bad idea, thanks." josh laughs, and they step up and order.

"wanna help me move furniture into the apartment? im not going to be able to get this all done by myself..." tyler says, hoping josh would agree to help.

"yeah! lets do it, might as well get started." tyler smiles at the agreement, and we pull out of the parking lot to get started.

1:22 p.m.

"this looks so good!" tyler says, setting down a box, and standing beside josh, admiring their decoration and placement skills.

"im so happy to be moving in with you, tyler." josh smiles, giving tyler a peck on the lips.

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