Chapter 3

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"What about your lunch?"

"Don't worry mom, it's in my bag,"

My mom came out of the kitchen, holding my lunch bag, a brown paper bag with my name on it.

"In your bag?" Mom raised an eyebrow.

"I thought it was in my bag," I started, turning around, so my mom could put my lunch in.

"Ya,well, I'm glad I checked," I turned back around to face my mom, as she continued," I don't want you, going to your first day of high school, not to mention, in a new state, without your lunch."

"Mom, it's okay, I'll be fine," I reassured her.

"Okay, okay, I'm just worried, you know, with the moving and all."

"Ya, that was a pretty stupid idea."

"Come on, you know why we moved," my mom checks her watch," 'o' my god, you better hurry, the bus is supposed to be here in less then a minute."

"Love you, bye," I blew her a kiss.

"We'll talk about it after school," my mom yelled after me. I didn't respond, I had to catch the bus.

I saw the school bus pulling up, I won't make it-, unless, I looked at the other end of the street, were Carlos was waving frantically, for me to hurry up.

Could I risk it? I asked myself. I then saw Carlos turn and walk up the steps. I have to, I told myself. I started running, like, super speed running.

I had made it, just in time to, the doors were about to close, when I appeared. I also saw Carlos, trying to reason with the bus driver, to wait for me.

"Well, what do you know, your sister showed up," the bus driver said rudely.

I gave him a small smile. I had just made my first impression, and it wasn't a good one. But, it's the bus driver, who cares.

I found an empty seat, next to a girl with, short, black hair, black rimed glasses, a black leather jacket, black leggings, and black boots. She would have scared me, if she wasn't looking through a social studies textbook like she actually cared.

I looked to my left, there sat Carlos, sitting next to another boy, who also looked like a senior, so engrossed on his phone, it didn't seem like he knew Carlos sat down next to him.

Carlos glanced at me, sensing my gaze locked on him. I mouthed thank you, idoit, was what I got in return. I rolled my eyes and looked strait a head, to find the recognizable, blond curls bouncing up and down.

But that can't be she's in New York, I thought to myself.

"Isabelle?" I asked, not sure what my answer would be.

The girl turned around," are you talking to me?" She asked with a sassy tone. I had realized I made a big mistake, this girl, and Isabelle are nothing alike.

"Um..never mind,"

"Dork," she turned around,"and, I'm Tiffany, not, Isabelle, whoever that is."

I took a deep breath, so far I have made, no friends, and, two enemies. I'm off to a good start. Not.

I had a feeling this was going to be a long year.

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