Chapter 4

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I look in front of me, at the green bus seat, thinking about how much I've grown. Not just of how tall, or even, how smart. I'm thinking about how powerful I've grown since the spring, of seventh grade, when I discovered I had super powers.

Since then, I have acquired the super powers of, speed. Basically, I can control my speed, which, I used this morning, getting to the bus. Flying, invisibility, telepathy, telekinesis, and, my favorite, ice.

Ice, is when I can create anything out of ice. And I can create ice with my bare hands. Awesome, right?

Anyways, I've been practicing, but, only in my bedroom. I don't want to take any chances. I have pretty much mastered all of them, except for flying.

Since I could only do it in my bedroom, it's tough to learn to fly,breaking many things in the process. Now that I think about it, it was tough to learn how to use all of my superpowers, in only my small, but comfy bedroom.

I also thought back to when my mom broke the news to me, that we were moving to Boston over the summer. I remember that day, as if it were yesterday.

It was also in the spring, but of eighth grade, instead of seventh,I had just takin my last final of middle school, forever, and had invited some friends over, to party with.

Walking into the kitchen, to get snacks for my friends, when I heard my mom and dad arguing. I stayed behind, listening to their conversation, when I heard them say my name once.

I couldn't take it, I stepped into the kitchen.

"What are you guys arguing about?" I asked.

"Honey, we're going-" my dad didn't get to finish, as my mom cut in.

"David, I don't think now is the time," argued my mom.

"Nattily, she deserves to know," my dad retorted.

"Yes, but not now-"

"Guys!" I yelled.

My dad glared at my mom, I had never seen my parents so angry before.

"Fine,"my mom sighed. "Alexa," pause, "we are going to be moving to Boston, during the summer," my mom said these words slowly, but carefully.

I couldn't believe it. "Um..okay," I bit my lip as it started to tremble.

I quickly grabbed a bag of chips, and dashed out of the kitchen. What I thought was going to be a great farewell  middle school finals party, was also kind of a farewell party for me. Even if my friends didn't know that yet.

I would see them until graduation,but, that was only in a few weeks.

The bus stopped, indicating we were school. I took a deep breath returning to reality.

I let many people get out before me, until the bus was half full, then I pushed way into the line.

I said 'thank you' to the bus driver, to try to be polite, like I've seen Isabelle do, one thousand times.

Once I was out of the bus, I looked up to be greeted by a huge, and I mean huge, red, brick building, that had a blue sign, that read the words welcome students in yellow. I was assuming those were the school colors.

I started walking down a long brick, path, that lead to the school. The path consisted of red and gray bricks. I noticed a bush, lying close by.

As I was nearing the steps, I looked up again, the blue and yellow banner, waving in the wind. I walked up the steps, and through the high school's front doors, for the first time.

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