Chapter 7

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Moi-Moi: Are you guys ready to see another familiar face in this chapter? I am. I'm looking forward to it. ^.^

And now for the answer to the last Pokémon trivia. It was Dustox! For your next question,

Which legendary Pokémon has both male and female forms?


The sun is shining brightly over Alena and Anya as they make their way to Dewford Island for the Dewford Town Contest. Fresh from winning her second Ribbon at the Slateport Contest, Alena is feeling particularly motivated.

Anya relaxed on her white, plastic lounge chair in her white tankini top with light pink flowers scattered on it and matching swim skirt. Anya completed her outfit with a pair of large, white round shades and tied her curly red locks back in a high ponytail with a pink bow. Absol, Treecko, and Electrike were lounging around them on the deck of the ferry that they were taking to Dewford Island. Alena sat on her lounge chair next to Anya in her black and white bikini top with a loose, white tee over it and black shorts. The deck was mostly vacant, leaving the group to relax in peace.

Despite her Pokémon and sister's casual and relaxed poses, Alena was still feeling a bit stressed and tense. She was sitting up on the lounge chair with her journal on the chair before her. She crossed out yet another idea before flipping to a new page. Alena tapped her pencil to her temple as she tried to think of something new.

"Alena, if you keep this up, all your hair is gonna turn gray from the stress," Anya chided her sister lightly.

"I'm just trying to think of something new that I can do at the Dewford Town Contest. But this is harder than I thought. I usually have so many ideas, but nothing looks good and I can't think of anything new," Alena groaned and pulled her knees up to her chest. She rested her head on her knees with a sigh before closing the notebook sadly.

Anya sat up lightly and pushed her glasses up onto her head. "You gotta relax, Alena. The Dewford Contest isn't for another week and a half. You had two weeks and you came up with an amazing performance for the Slateport Contest," Anya tried. "Besides, no one besides you is worried about the Contest. We all know that your Pokémon are amazing and you're gonna win no matter what," Anya said and resumed her relaxing position on her chair.

Alena didn't respond. Maybe she should take a small break from Contests for a while just to recoup? She needed to work on new ideas. Or maybe she just needed some inspiration? Dad often got creative blocks whenever he was inventing. If she knew anything about these blocks, nothing good would come of forcing herself to be creative. She'd just have to be patient.

"Excuse me."

Alena and Anya looked up at the intrusion. There was a boy standing near them with long, purple hair underneath his triangular, green hat. He wore a green jacket and matching pants with dark green diamonds along the sleeves and down the sides. A navy blue shirt hugged his torso underneath the jacket while revealing his bellybutton through a diamond shaped hole. His blue eyes stared down at the girls in question.

"Yes?" Alena responded.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Is it true that you competed in the Slateport Contest?" the boy asked.

"Um... Yes, I did," Alena answered.

The boy clasped his hands before him as he gasped excitedly. "I knew it! I never forget a face and your face looked so familiar," the boy gushed. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Harley."

"Hello, Harley. I'm Alena and this is my sister, Anya," Alena smiled and stood to shake Harley's hand.

Harley gasped while covering his mouth with his left hand. "You're even taller in person! I'm almost jealous," Harley said with a sly giggle. Alena blushed lightly while rubbing her arm in light embarrassment. She'd always thought that her height was weird. She was much too tall for her age and would only get taller. Alena tried not to think about it. There was nothing she could do if she was meant to be gigantic for the rest of her life.

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