Chapter 8

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Moi-Moi: I can't wait for Christmas break. It's senior year and I'm SO DONE with college. 

If for any reason you guys feels like I'm portraying a character wrong, please call me out on it. This is my first time writing for Drew, Harley, and all of the other Hoenn characters (besides May and Max). I don't want to mess them up. If Drew ever seems too mean or Harley ever seems too flamboyant, let me know. ^.^'

And now for the answer to the last Pokémon trivia. It was Heatran! For some reason, I can't picture Heatran being female. It's just one of those Pokémon that look predominantly male. Maybe the females are extremely maternal, protective of their young, and have a tendency to be fierce and stronger than the males because of that? You know, I wouldn't mind being a Pokémon researcher. It seems really interesting. For your next question,

Just how many times has the Magikarp Salesman conned James?

I want to feel sorry for James, but at this point he's just asking for it. I just imagine him yelling, "Shut up and take my money!" lol XD


Today is the day of the Dewford Town Contest. Alena has been preparing for this day and is now ready to compete against the other Coordinators that have gathered for the competition.

The sun was shining brightly this morning, making it a perfect day for the beach. The beaches were mostly deserted, however. The Dewford Town inhabitants were all flocking towards the Contest Hall with eager expressions. Most of the events happening in the town centered around the beach- boat races, surfing or swimming competitions, or the occasional beach party. The Dewford Contest was the only regularly occurring event that brought in an influx of people to the island and gave a boost to the tourism. It also served to connect the island to the mainland and the events going on over there. This was a big day marked on the Dewford Town calendar.

The crowd of people were making their way into the building in order to get good seats for the competition. There were some people with Pokémon at their sides and others selling merchandise. Alena and Anya stood outside the Contest Hall while scanning the faces of all the people moving past them on their way into the building. Anya pouted while Alena frowned. "I hope he isn't late," Alena worried.

"He probably registered already and is relaxing inside," Anya declared confidently. Alena wasn't so sure. They'd gotten to the Contest Hall early. There was hardly anyone gathered yet when they'd arrived. Alena sighed with a deep frown.

"Alena!" they heard someone exclaimed loudly. They both turned at the call to see who was trying to get their attention. At once, they relaxed when they realized who it was. "Just what are you doing out here? Don't tell me that you forgot that the Contest happens inside the Contest Hall," Harley teased with a giggle once he'd approached the girls.

"We were waiting for you, Harley," Anya informed him happily.

"We were worried that you wouldn't make it in time," Alena explained.

"Well, aren't you two sweet? Thanks, Hun. But, you didn't need to worry. Haven't you ever heard of being fashionably late?" Harley responded and led the girls towards the building. "Oh! Little Red, where did you get that bracelet? It's gorgeous."

Alena smiled when Anya and Harley got into a dialogue about her new, silver bracelet. It was a gift from their father to celebrate his new job and most recent promotion. Their father, Isaac, had gone on and on about how long it would take to get some respect in the scientific engineering community, but it hadn't been long at all. Isaac had only needed to display some of his inventions and explain some of his ideas before receiving an immediate promotion. He was churning out new ideas at an increased rate, thoroughly impressing his colleagues and superiors. All over the news, there was talk of the Devon Corporation coming out with a whole new line of devices that would "revolutionize the lives of Pokémon Trainers all over the world". Alena was exceedingly proud of her father.

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