Chapter 11

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Moi-Moi: I can't tell you guys how invested I am in Serena's character. Her triumphs, failures, and even her little challenges are all important. She is my absolute favorite girl. I have never cared so much about a female traveling companion. Sigh...

And now for the answer to the last Pokémon trivia. It is the ten! Charizard, Pinsir, Gyarados, Mewtwo, Ampharos, Aggron, Sceptile, Altaria, Lopunny, and Audino can all change type when they Mega Evolve. Remember, Mewtwo and Charizard can Mega Evolve into two different Pokémon. ;) For your next question,

How many main protagonists (meaning Ash and his travelling partners) have caught/owned an Electric type Pokémon?


Following her loss at the Verdanturf Contest to May, Alena and Anya are now heading towards Rustboro City. They're hoping to spend some time in their new home before the next Pokémon Contest.

"Rustboro City looks nice. Doesn't it, Anya?" Alena questioned her sister with a small smile. The girls had just arrived in Rustboro City and were looking around them in keen observation. This was their new home after all. They should know every detail about the city.

"I guess. I thought the city would be nothing but dirt, rocks, and rust. This isn't so bad," Anya relented. The town held a modern feel about it with it's sleek buildings and nice homes. The volcano in the distance and the shimmering ocean served as a reminder that nature still dominated.

Alena smiled at that. "That's good to hear. Come on. We're almost to our new home," Alena said and lead Anya down a street and towards a suburban area. "It'll be great to see Dad again."

"I wonder what our new house looks like," Anya commented.

Alena shared in her sister's feelings. The amount of excitement and curiosity she was feeling was exhilarating. Once the girls started to pass by some of the most lavish homes they had ever seen, they shot each other a look. Were they in the right area? Alena looked back at the map of Rustboro City in her hands. She was sure that they were on the right street. Suddenly, Alena stopped in front of a two-story home with a tall, brick foundation. The home was painted white and had copious amounts of glass windows and doors. The lush, green lawn out front invited the girls towards it and possibly lie on it. Instead, they stared for several seconds. In that time, a woman dressed in high-class clothing strolled by along the sidewalk while walking her even more elegant Ninetales.

"Is this it?" Anya questioned. Alena nodded numbly. Slowly, the girls made their way up the brown, brick path that was cut through the lawn. Their eyes roamed over the bountiful flower beds and trimmed shrubbery. The path led them around the left side of the home and towards an oak porch. The front door was a navy color and had several glass panes embedded in it. Hesitantly, they rang the doorbell.

It only took several seconds before they could see their father heading towards the door. With a wide grin, he opened the door for them before pulling them in for a bear hug. "Finally! I was beginning to worry! It's so great to see you girls," Isaac said and pulled the still-stunned girls into the home. Closing the door behind them, Isaac asked, "So? What do you think? I actually got everything unpacked and I did it all by myself."

"This is our new house?" Anya asked incredulously as she turned slowly in a circle to take in the entire view. The walls were white inside and the floors were oak. Two, long staircases to the left led upstairs and downstairs. With an excited squeal, Anya took off.

"This sure isn't like our home in Lilycove," Alena mused.

"I know. Your sister seems to like it. What about you?" Isaac questioned hesitantly.

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