Chapter 15 Part 2

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Moi-Moi: SERIOUSLY. This story is taking longer to write than I'd initially thought. It was supposed to be finished THREE chapters ago. UGH.

For old time's sake, I'll give you guys one more riddle and I'll give you the answer at the end of the chapter. BUT DON'T PEEK! I mean... It's not like I can stop you. But still!

How many male Gym Leaders are there? No, A.J. doesn't count and I don't think James counts either because he was only a temporary Gym Leader at the time. To count, they would have to have acted as an official Gym Leader at some point in time in the games or anime. (Hint: Orange Islands Gyms count.)


Harley glared across the restaurant at where May was sitting with her friends and family. He had spent so much time working on his revenge against Charlotte that he had completely neglected May. And now she had made it into the Top 32! He had to put a stop to this. But how?...


With a small jump, Harley quickly turned on his heel to face who had approached him. "Alena! You startled me!"

Alena raised both hands, palm first, in a submissive gesture before saying, "I'm sorry. I just saw you so I came over. Why were you staring at May?"

"I wasn't staring! I was just daydreaming about the Contest," Harley argued defensively. Alena raised a dubious brow at him, but didn't pursue the topic. "Anyways, shouldn't you be getting ready for your battle with Charlotte?"

"Don't worry about me, Harley. My Pokémon and I are ready. I know we can do this," Alena replied.

"Well, don't you sound confident? I'm proud of you, Hun," Harley said with a grin.

"Thanks, Harley," Alena returned the smile.

Harley spared May a final glance before refocusing his attention on Alena. What could he do to get his revenge on May? He had planned to gain her trust and convince her to get herself knocked out of the competition, but that could take too much time now. Then again, May was a naive sap. Maybe it wasn't too late???


"Hello and welcome to the second round of the main competition matches! In accordance with Grand Festival rules, all matches between Coordinators will be double battles!" Vivian announced from the center of the main stage to the large audience and the cameras that were broadcasting the event.

Anya sat with Max, Brock, Caroline, and Ash in the crowd. Togepi was waving her arms from side to side while chirping happily from Anya's lap. Anya was almost shaking with how nervous she felt. Alena was the one who had to go onstage, yet Anya felt more nervous than Alena had ever felt during the competition. Noticing Anya's intent gaze, Max raised a brow at her and questioned, "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Sure I am. I think I just realized how big of a deal this is," Anya said with a weak smile.

"Yeah. No kidding. If either of our sisters lose here, it's all over," Max agreed.

"Alena won't lose," Anya said, trying to sound confident.

"Neither will May," Max replied in a matching tone.

"Our first match will be between Alena and Charlotte! Let's give these two our undivided attention!" Vivian said in an upbeat tone.

Alena stared across the field at Charlotte's smirking face. Alena frowned before taking a deep breath. "Manectric, Milotic, all eyes are on you two!"

"You wish. Flaaffy and Espeon, it's showtime!"

"With five minutes on clock, let the battle begin!" Vivian exclaimed.

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