Chapter 15 Part 1

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Moi-Moi: I can't tell you guys how draining it is on my creativity levels to come up with so many routines for Alena's Pokémon for the Appeals rounds of Contests. Some Pokémon are easier to work with like Electric, Water, Ice, and Fire types. But you have to be pretty creative to make something outstanding with a Steel type or Normal type that only know moves that correspond with its type. Try making a Tackle attack look good. I dare you.


Today, we join our heroes as they are having a practice battle on the front lawn of their home in Rustboro City. Over a month has gone by since they've stopped traveling, but Alena's and Anya's battle skills have only improved.

"Alright Milotic, use Water Gun!" Alena commanded.

"Dodge it, Togepi!" Anya fired back.

From where Milotic was elegantly coiled on the green, grassy front lawn, she stared down at her opponent. She fired off a small, slow stream of water from her mouth at Togepi that the baby Pokémon was easily able to dodge.

"Togee! Togee!" Togepi cheered with its stubby arms waving happily. Before the battle could continue, Togepi suddenly ran back towards Anya and hugged her leg with a smile.

"I'm proud of you too, Togepi. But you have to stay and finish the battle before you can celebrate," Anya reminded her while bending over to pick up the baby.

"I think Togepi's been working hard enough to celebrate," Alena said with a smile.

"You're right. You're the strongest Togepi I know. That's for sure," Anya praised Togepi while lifting her into the air. Togepi cried out happily with a bright smile on her small face.

"Let's go inside for lunch," Alena suggested. While the girls and Togepi walked towards the steps that lead onto the front patio, Milotic slithered over the grass towards the backyard and the pool. The cool water was officially her favorite place to stay in the entire house.

Once inside, the girls passed by Altaria who was dusting down some paintings that were hanging high up on the wall. She trilled and waved to them before going back to her work. Absol was relaxing on the living room sofa while Aggron feasted on a large bowl of iron ores nearby. Through the glass sliding doors, they could see Manectric running around the pool with Milotic following him by swimming around the edges of the rectangular pool.

"What do you want for lunch, Anya?" Alena questioned her sister.

"I'll have whatever you're having," Anya said while getting a small bowl of pureed Pecha berries from the fridge. With the bowl and small spoon in hand, she went about feeding Togepi her lunch.

"Have you seen Sceptile?" Alena questioned while looking around for her starter Pokémon.

"He's probably on the roof again. I'm sure he'll come down when he's got enough sun," Anya answered while smiling at Togepi.

Alena nodded in acknowledgement while turning on the television that was hanging on the wall in the kitchen. With the sounds of Vivian Meridian commentating on the latest Pokémon Contest that happened in Pacifidlog Town acting as background noise, Alena went about preparing a simple lunch of sandwiches and rice balls for her and Anya. Anya was in the middle of wiping some food off of Togepi's face when she caught a familiar name from the television.

"...Congratulations again to May! Our Pacifidlog Contest winner!"

"May won the Pacifidlog Contest, Alena," Anya spoke up. Both girls tuned in to the television in time to catch the last few highlights of May's battle with her Skitty against Erica's Jynx.

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