Happy Ending |V (Jihyun) x Reader|

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Sequel to *Thank You*

[Y/N]'s P.O.V

"Now kids go stand next to your father!" I urged, pointing to the yellow wall of the theater.

"But what about you Mommy?" (s/n) *son name* asked.

"I'll be in the next one! Now get close and say cheese!" I exclaimed.

"Cheese!" All three of them exclaimed.

I snapped the picture and smiled happily to myself.

"AWW~ You guys are so adorable!!! You look just like your father!" I beamed, hugging my family close to me.

"Yeah! But I'm not a boy!" (d/n) *daughter name* exclaimed pouted.

I smiled and ruffled her hair, causing her to giggle.

"Aww! You messed up her hair! It took hours!" My husband complained pouting, I smiled and ruffled his hair, too.

I smirked those two were like exact copies, both of them tried to put their hair back. I then felt someone tugging at my shirt I looked down to see an adorable boy with his father's blue hair and my (e/c) eyes, sharing most of my features... including my messy and unruly hair.

"Mommy! Where's Uncle Zen?!" The boy asked, an impatient look on his face.

"He'll be here soon! It is his movie premiere!" I said with a smile.

(S/n) smiled and nodded then decided to cling onto my waist. I smiled and hugged him back.

"He has your smile you know." Jihyun said holding (D/n)'s hand.

"And she has your sense of fashion." I replied.

Jihyun laughed and nodded in agreement.

"She's my Mini Me, what can I say?" He asked chuckling.

"Hey! Hey! Hey?" I heard a familiar voice call out.

"It's Big Brother!!!!" The two kids shouted running up to Luciel, who had suddenly appeared.

Luciel laughed and took the two siblings into a bear hug. Jihyun and I giggled as he was tackled not expecting them to be that strong or heavy. I leaned my head on Jihyun's shoulder, watching as our children played with Luciel.

"They're adorable aren't they?" Jihyun asked, resting his hand on my shoulder, bringing me closer.

"Yes and tiresome." I agreed with a chuckle.

Just a year after (D/n) was born, I got pregnant with (S/n). We were so thrilled. It was a lot of work but we managed, they really are growing up to be great kids.

"We should really drop the kids at Luciel's house, so we can get some alone time." Jihyun remarked.

My cheeks slowly turned a lovely shade of red.

"W-what are you talking about Jihyun?!" I demanded stuttering.

"I was talking about getting some alone time... you know catching up on shows, Jaehee's 3 full seasons ahead of us in (f/s) *favorite show* and Yoosung is 5 seasons ahead! We have to catch up before they start spoiling." Jihyun answered.

"I-I see." I answered fake coughing to hide my embarrassment.

I then felt his arms wrap around my waist and him rest his head on my shoulder.

"Or we can do something else, involving pillows and blankets~." He suggested.

I turned beet red.

"Building a fort?!" (S/n) asked, suddenly appearing behind us.

I jumped in surprise.

When did he get there?!

"Why are you so red Mommy?" (S/n) asked tilting his head, confusion present in his shining (e/c) eyes.

Why is he asking so many questions now?

"Because she's becoming a tomato!" Luciel explained.

"No!!! Don't become a tomato Mommy!" (S/n) cried pushing Jihyun away and hugging me.

(D/n) walked up to her father her hands on her hips.

"Don't turn Mommy into a tomato meanie!" She exclaimed.

Jihyun sweatdropped.

"Why would I want to turn your Mommy into a tomato?" He asked in a gentle voice.

"So you could eat her!" Luciel exclaimed a stupid expression on his face.

I blushed again and smacked Luciel over the head.

"Don't say such things in front of the children Luciel!" I scolded.

"Yes ma'am!" He answered with a mock salute.

I sighed and facepalmed as the kids chased after Luciel.

"After all these years he hasn't changed one bit, has he?" I asked.

"Nope." Jihyin answered.

I chuckled, then hugged Jihyun.

"[Y-Y/N]?!" He asked, a little surprised.

I giggled and pecked him on the lips, hearing a bunch of 'ews' from the kids and not surprisingly Luciel.

"This is some happy ending right Jihyun?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's our happy ending." Jihyun agreed, hugging me back.

I smiled as I watched as the kids played around with Luciel a bit more. Our lives started out a little rough but in the end we got our happy ending, and I wouldn't change a single thing that happened.


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