I Love The Way |Saeran x Reader|

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Requested By: XxDorky-KitxX

Y/n's P.O.V

"Saeran~! I'm home~!" I called out as I stepped inside our apartment.

It had been a month since Saeran and I had moved in together. Saeyoung was against it at first since Saeran was still having panic attacks and mental breakdowns. But Saeran got better and he hasn't had one since-


My eyes widened as I rushed into the room where the sound was coming from.


When I got into the room I found Saeran on the floor holding his head in his hands, tears streaming down his face, his hands were bloodied and pieces of the broken vase were scattered everywhere along with the sunflowers that they were once in.

"Saeran?" I asked more gently.

He didn't answer. It was almost as if Saeran was frozen, the only thing that told me that he wasn't was how his shoulders would move up and down when he breathed.

I moved my hand in an attempt to touch his hand, but he quickly slapped it away.

"Don't touch me!!!" He shouted, he looked up his eyes filled with terror as his breathing increased.

His eyes were glazed over and dull, his skin paler than usual. I knew what was happening, and at times like this I knew how to calm him down.

"Why? Why? Why are you doing this? Where's Saeyoung? It's cold..." he whimpered, covering his face with his hands.

Saeran had never told me all of what happened to him while he was at Mint Eye. All I really knew was that they brainwashed him into following their beliefs and into hating Saeyoung and all of the RFA.

"Saeran... it's Y/n." I reminded him in a calm voice, inching closer to him.

Saeran flinched and hugged his knees closer to his chest.

"I'm not going to hurt you Saeran..." I stated.

"You're in our bedroom, remember we moved in just last month?" I asked, slowly approaching him.

"You're not in that horrible place anymore, you're here with me now... And I'll never let anything bad happen to you." I said finally
embracing him in a hug.

His shoulders tensed then relaxed, as he eased into the hug.

"I'll protect you no matter what... I promise." I added, hugging him a bit tighter.

Eventually his breathing went back to normal and he returned the hug.

"I'm sorry Y/n... I-I don't kno-"

"It's alright Saeran. You don't have anything to apologize for." I told him.


"No 'buts', now sit on the bed while I go get the first aid kit." I said, pulling away from the hug gently.

I looked at the sunflowers and frowned, he probably didn't notice that they were there and they probably triggered a bad memory. Yoosung had sent them over just the day before and since Saeran came home late he didn't notice them.

I grabbed the first aid equipment and headed back to the room. Saeran jumped a little as I suddenly closed the door. I sat down besides him and gently took his bloody hand and began to clean off the blood.

"Y/n?" He asked.


"Why are you doing this?" He asked.

"Because your hand is injured." I replied.

"No... why are you still with me?" He asked.

I paused and looked up for a brief moment my (e/c) eyes meeting his turquoise eyes, which were full of pain and sorrow.

"Because I love you." I replied with a gentle smile.

"But why me? There's Saeyoung, he's funny and has a good personality. There's Yoosung, he's cute and can cook for you. There's Jumin who's rich and can provide for you. There's Zen who's handsome and would do anything for you. And there's even Jaehee who's smart and patient..."

"There are so many other people that are so much better... So why did you choose me? They could treat you so much better than I can!" He asked, tears streaming down his face, as his free hand clenched into a fist.

I rested my hand on his shoulder to calm him down and gave him a sad smile.

"I don't love them. I love you Saeran." I stated, holding my hand to his cheek.

"You're sweet, kind, adorable, strong, reliable, supportive and unbelievably handsome." I stated.

Saeran blushed.

"I love the way you brush the loose strands of hair away from my face, I love the way your eyes light up when you eat ice cream, I love the way you cuddle with me when we're on the couch watching a movie. I don't want to be with anyone else but you." I reminded him.

"I love you and don't you ever tell me that I should've chosen someone else!" I said raising my voice.

"I'm sorry Y/n-"

"I don't mind doing this... this is what couple do... we help each other when we need it." I interrupted.

"I'll always be here here for you... whenever you need someone to talk to or kiss, I'll be here and nothing will ever change that." I added.

"So please don't try to push me away ok?" I asked, taking his hand into mind.

He nodded.

"You're smart, kind, talented, patient, reliable, supportive, strong yet gentle, caring and unbelievably beautiful." He said, looking directly into my eyes.

"I love the way you pull the covers over me when I fall asleep while watching anime. I love the way the strands of hair fall over your face and how you don't notice until I brush them away. I love the way you love me so much. I never want to be with anyone other than you." He stated.

"I love you Y/n." Saeran said, squeezing my hand gently.

"I love you too Saeran." I replied, kissing him on the lips.


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