23: Fall For You

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~It's been awhile! And I'm so sorry for that. But I got an easy and long chapter for you all before we get back to some action. This book is coming to an end but I'm feeling pretty confident there's gonna be a BOOK 5! And my updates should be happening frequently like before 😊❤️

Honestly, I meant to update a few days ago but never got to publishing and etc. but tonight I finished the chapter all up completely: AFTER WATCHING SUPERNATURAL! 😍 Who watched?! #Season12 ! So you can thank Dean & Sam for putting me in a good mood and somehow reminding me I needed to upload this chapter for you all.

Enjoy, love bugs ❤️🐞

Chapter Twenty-Three

I laid on mine and Stefan's bed, staring blankly at the ceiling while my teddy bear, Stefanator, was clutched in my hands. My ears tuned in on Stefan's ongoing conversation with whomever was at the front door Stefan had left to answer approximately two minutes ago. "She's not really keen on seeing anyone," Stefan said gently.

"She's been here for days," Caroline had stated, sounding entirely frustrated. "She hasn't improved at all?"

"She doesn't want to, Caroline," Stefan said. His voice tense and he was nearly snapping at her, despite the fact I could hear was trying not to, trying to be nice. "She's devastated. She lost her brother, attacked her friends..."

"We thought you were going to be able to help her," I heard Elena's voice.

"I don't know if I'm enough right now," he admitted after a few moments of silence. "But I'm doing all I can. I just want to make her happy. I'm trying to give her anything she wants and everything she needs because I can't give her the one thing that will make her feel better. I can't just bring Jeremy back."

"Stefan--" Matt's voice piped up but that's where I tuned out. I rolled over onto my side, trying not to dwell on the pain in Stefan's voice. Or the image of his eyes being glossy. It's been four days since I've even left this bedroom. I didn't want to see or speak to anyone besides Stefan. And still then, I pushed him away when I didn't feel like clinging to him. I had random mood swings. I either wanted him glued to my side or it felt like I couldn't breathe, or I needed him away so I could be alone and drown in my guilt because I didn't want him to try to make me feel better--I didn't deserve it.

A few minutes later the door creaked open and my eyes darted to it, seeing Stefan. He slowly came over to me and sat down on the bed by my feet. "Hey, babe," he said softly, smiling weakly, "your friends are here."

"I don't want to see them," I mumbled, squeezing Stefanator to my chest while Stefan's large hand stroked my arm softly as he sighed.

"Elena and Matt just wanted to know if you'd go with them tomorrow to find out the gender of the baby," he replied and I shook my head.

"Don't want to," I said.

"I think it'll mean a lot to your sister," Stefan whispered, leaning down so his chin rested on my shoulder and our noses nearly bumped one another.

I merely turned my head away. "Leave me alone, Stefan," I grumbled, not wanting to look into his sad eyes. They made me feel guilty too. He was suffering because of me. He sighed once more and got up.

"I'll tell them to go," he mumbled as he left the room, gently letting the door click shut. Then I immediately heard Damon's harsh whisper.

"You didn't put up much of a fight," Damon hissed quietly.

"She hasn't wanted to leave our room in four days, Damon. What do you want me to do? She either wants me glued to her body or wants me to get lost. I'm managing the best I can. We're both just managing, okay? So you can back off a little bit so I can breathe?" Stefan snapped and Damon scoffed.

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