1: Feed Or Die

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~Welcome ladies and gents, boys and girls to BOOK 4! I'm really excited guys. I've been going through the episodes and figuring out how I want this to work. And I have some main points but it's all still a rough draft so to speak. It's probably gonna be the book with the hardest calls to make, like what should she decide next, who should she have more moments with, how should I change the original scene, etc... But get ready for the emotional roller coaster you all just hopped on. Strap in tight loves. I'm not even ready for the ride! Read on, folks.


Chapter One

I brought a hand to my head as the sound of a loud lawnmower woke me up. I opened my eyes and gasped as I recalled everything. The car crash with Matt! I began panting as my eyes searched the room before spotting my boyfriend, the love of my life. "Stefan," I sighed in relief.

I took a better look around. I was in my old room in my family home. I was in my old bed. I slowly sat up and Stefan moved closer, taking my hand. "Hey, you've been in and out for hours," he said.

"What happened?" I asked him. When I first woke up I was in a dark room. And I had felt like I was choking and passed back out. That's the last thing I remember.

"You were in an accident," Stefan said and I nodded.

"I know, I remember that. Where's Matt? Is he--" I was speaking.

"Alive?" Came a new voice. My head snapped to the side to see Damon sitting in my bay window, leaning his elbows on his knees. "Ask Stefan. The hero."

Picking up his hostile move, I looked at Stefan. He didn't look too happy. I squeezed his hand and placed a hand under his chin. "Baby, tell me he's okay," I pleaded.

"He's fine," Stefan said, staring into my eyes.

I visibly relaxed, sighing in relief. "Thank you. I thought that I... How did you...?" I trailed off, looking over myself. I was alive and well. But he saved Matt first. I remembered that. But he was able to get to me in time?

"Save you?" Damon asked. "He didn't."

I looked at Damon baffled. Stefan brought a hand to my cheek and carressed it softly, looking at me with sad eyes. "When Jeremy brought you to the hospital before all this happened... you injuries were worse than anyone knew," Stefan said, dropping his hand. "Meredith Fell made a choice. She used Damon's blood to heal you."

"And when Rebekah ran Matt's truck off the road, you had vampire blood in your system, Kenzie," Damon finished.

"Oh, my God," I gasped, my brows furrowing. I was a vampire? I was a vampire. I didn't expect that to happen when I thought I was going to die. I thought that Stefan and Damon were dying. But when Stefan showed up and I was ready to die, all I wanted was for him to find someone else to love and make him happy. But I'm selfish, I want him all to myself and I have him. He's here. I'm here.

"I talked to Bonnie, she's stronger than ever," Stefan said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him bewildered. Bonnie? What does she have to do with anything? "There may be something she can do that can help you."

Help me? With what? What was I gonna need her help with? "No, the only thing that is going to help is for you to feed and complete the transtition," Damon chimed in.

"We have all day before she has to feed," Stefan retorted, glaring at his brother. "That's a day to exhaust every possible way out."

"There is no way out of it. We all know the drill. You feed or you die. There is no door number three," Damon said.

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