Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV
"JIMIN,CALL THE C-" he covered my mouth,chucked me to the back of his car and drove away.

"Jimin will call the cops and find me." I blurt out breaking the silence in the car.

"Are you actually going to bring cops? I mean I don't mind cause you're the one who's the real criminal,who ran away without paying for the damage he caused" he stated chuckling,still keeping his eyes on the road.
Oh right,that's true.shit

I slumped back in my seat as he drives quietly.I stayed quiet through the drive having different thoughts on my mind.After hours and hours of debating with myself,I decided to talk.

"Can you atleast tell me where we are going?"

"Didn't you want to take me to police station?" he said with a smirk.

"Uh-N-No I d-didn't.i changed my mind."

"Oh really then I think I'm taking you to police station."

"W-what?N-No,please don't,I don't want to.I beg you." I pleaded .

"Then I think I'm taking you to mountains today."

what? mountains? people are killed in mountains.nooo,I don't wanna die.

"Please don't kill me.I am sorry.I don't want to die." I interlocked my hands and pouted.I kept whining and pleading.

"Stop,I'm not taking you to mountains.But if you keep whining and making that puppy eyes I'm actually gonna take you to mountains."

"Really? okay I'm gonna stop now!"
After sometimes,we reached a fancy restaurant.He parked his car and walked out of the car escorting  me out of the car and lightly holding my school jumper in case I run away.We entered the restaurant,I was pretty blown away with the set out and everything,the curtains were properly ironed,tables were properly managed,pretty neat and clean,it was nice.

"Why are we here?" I asked him rising my eyebrows.
"So that I can eat?" he said plainly and I just nodded. well I'm hungry too
We finally got our seat and the menus were handed to us.I was feeling bit uncomfortable seeing all the people well dressed even that guy,Jungkook meanwhile I was in my school uniform looking like a zombie.

"Hey,you should have chosen a normal restaurant.Dont you think this restaurant is just too much?" I whispered leaning over the table.

"Shut up! Don't tell me what to do,understand?I could have taken you to cops,be thankful that you're here." he whispered back.
A waiter came and asked what we wanted."Get me some Spaghetti Bolognese,Gourmet Pub Burgers,fresh orange juice....and..for this guy,a glass of water." bitch what? I just sat there with my mouth opened making 'o' shaped and waiter walked away smiling. Aishh this brat

"What do you actually want me to do with your car huh? Why did you even bring me here when you don't  even let me eat?You're rich enough to pay,aren't you? Please let me go."I said with annoyed tone.

"I won't let you go this easily.I already thought of a way for you to pay me back." He said calmly,revealing a sheet of paper and passing it to me and crossed his arm.he thinks he's king or smth.pfftt

"En...ENSLAVE..ENSLAVEMENT AGREEMENT?" I stared at it and questioned him,he gestured me to read on."I,Kim Taehyung agree to be Jeon Jungkook's slave for 100 days because of the damage I caused to his car...." I read it hesitatly.

"So do you agree?sign the paper." he smirked in seductive way.I shook my head.

"Never....i will never agree...slavery is's banned!" I exclaimed.
He looked around and leans forward, "You won't let me take you  to cops,you won't sign the paper,now what's left? Ah I should call your parents." He said taking phone in his hand. No they will probably kill me.

He handed me a pen and I signed the paper.I handed it over and at the same time the waiter came with the foods too.He quickly hid the paper,he then took the spoon and started to eat.My mouth was watering and my tummy rumbled looking at the savory  foods.

"What? You haven't left yet?" He stared at me.
"I don't eat with my SLAVE so leave." he added jerking his head in the direction of the exit door asking me to leave.

"What a jerk." I murmured under my breathe.
"Wait,here,you dropped this." I saw him throwing my identity card.

"Where did you-"

"You dropped it after you fooled me and ran away." He said. Aishh I'm such a fool
He then continued to eat and I left the restaurant.


I reached home by bus as that jerk didn't even offer to drop me home.

"Oh Tae,you're home" Baekhyun asked while sitting on sofa.
I just nodded.

"Where were you? It's pretty late you know."

"I-I w-was at my friends house haha for a project work." I lied
He just nodded.
"Come,join me for dinner."

"No,thanks I ate on my way." I replied.
"Oh okay"

"I'm gonna go to my room now,bye" I placed a kiss on Baek's forehead,he just smiled.

I went inside my room and changed my uniform.It was a tiring day.I slumped myself on bed and stared at the ceiling.

Slave for 100 days huh?
"What have I got myself into?" I asked myself.

Hoiii,don't mind the typos and grammatical mistakes. ( ^ω^ )

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