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"Oh my god! Yes!" Marci, my roommate, squealed loudly into her phone.

I shut my eyes briefly, my annoyance for the girl flaring. I had never liked her, ever since the day I met her. Having to live in the same dorm as her was complete torture. She was loud, whiny, and completely self absorbed. She and I were civil with each other, but we were not friends. Not at all.

"He is so hot! I can't believe he asked you out!" she yelped in excitement, pawing through her dresser, obviously looking for something.

I picked at my fingernails, trying to ignore the scents lingering in the air. Her perfume was overbearing, and her smoker's breath was killing me over here.

"Well duh! We have to go support him at his game!" she said, throwing a pair of shorts on her bed. "Look, I'll be at your dorm in twenty. Then we can go down together. Alright?"

I sighed, continuing to pretend to be reading this textbook about Gravitational Force.

"Okay, bye babes!" she said happily before hanging up and tossing her phone on her nightstand.

I watched in the corner of my eye as she assorted her outfit, humming to some annoying tune.

"You goin' to the soccer game tonight?"she questioned, turning to me for a second before back to her bed.

I sighed, closing my book. "I don't think so." I answered honestly, suddenly feeling hungry.

"That's too bad. It's supposed to be a pretty intense game." she continued, stripping down.

"I bet." I answered in disinterest. I stood, stretching out my limbs. "I'm gonna go get some coffee at that cafe near by." I lied, throwing my converse on.

She hummed a response, clearly not giving a shit. As soon as I closed the door I made a quick exit. My stomach was growling, and the urge to kill was growing.

"Excuse me." I mumbled as I accidentally bumped shoulders with another student who was entering the dorm hall.
Not bothering to wait for a response, I rammed through the doors, the cold air brushing over my skin.

 My animalistic tendancies were coming out, and if I didn't find my prey soon, I'd end up losing all control.

I inhaled deeply, smirking when I caught the scent of young female in the distance. I walked quickly, exiting the campus into the city.I continued to follow the delicious scent, passing the many people that occupied the sidewalk.

The moon was full tonight, setting the perfect mood for a kill.

The scent suddenly grew stronger. I paused, inhaling deeply, attempting to be subtle.

I frowned, trying to decipher which direction it was coming from.

Taking a few steps forward, I realized I was close. I continued walking, my fangs beginning to emerge.

I stopped when I noticed a young girl, about my age, sitting on a bench. There weren't many people near this section of the city, which would make this whole ordeal easier.

"Excuse me, can you help me with something?" I questioned innocently as I walked up to the quiet girl.

She looked up in surprise, startled by my presence.

"Oh goodness, you scared me." she said with a chuckle. Her kindness and innocence came off of her in waves, which caused a small part of me to feel a bit bad.

"Sorry." I said with a convincing smile. "It's just that there's a kitten down in that alleyway. He sounds like he's injured. I really want to help him but, as pathetic as this sounds, I'm kind of...scared to go in there." I said, rubbing my neck in faux embarassment.

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