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"Please...please just do me a favor and hide your tears." I begged my younger sister as we stood outside our manor.

She swallowed, her golden curls shining bright in the summer sun.

"Alicia, h-how do you expect me to feel? You're leaving!" she choked out, reaching out to me and gripping my hands.

My eyes stung as my own emotions began to overwhelm me.

"I promise I'll be okay." I muttered with little confidence, my stomach churning uncomfortably.

"I don't understand though, why must you go!? I need you!" she nearly screamed, her body trembling violently as she fell into me.

I clenched my jaw, closing my eyes tight as I wrapped my arms around her small figure. I squeezed, attempting to bring her some sort of comfort but I knew my efforts were pointless. I was leaving and there was nothing anyone could do to make her feel better about it. I was all she had and yet I had to leave her. It was not safe for her if I stayed. I was dangerous and I would not risk hurting her.

"Listen to me Lena, you will be okay. You don't need me, I know you're strong enough to handle yourself. You're one of the most independent girls I know! You'll be fine, trust me." I whispered into her ear before placing a kiss into her hair.

"Just know, I will always love you. Y-You are my everything Lena. You are what will keep me going." I continued, pulling back from her and gripping her wet cheeks with my hands.

She choked up a sob, her eyes never leaving mine.

I paused again, feeling my throat constrict as I realized that these were my last few moments with her.

"Alicia please don't go," she pleaded between her crys, the words barely understandable. Fortunatley I had a great sense of hearing and was able to catch every word.

I mentally chanted to myself to stay strong and not break down. If I were to, I don't think I'd ever leave.

"It's for your own good." I replied, my voice steady as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Her heart rate accelerated, "What does that mean Alicia! I don't understand! What is going on!?" she screeched, pushing away from me and raking her hands through her hair.

I stayed silent, watching as she fell to the floor and continued to sob hysterically.

I restrained myself from going to her aide, and instead crouched down and stared at my hands.

"I love you Lena. Never forget that." I spoke above her cries, blinking my eyes harshly to stop the tears.

"All I can say is I'm dangerous. I don't belong here. I don't belong anywhere." I said loudly, feeling completely ashamed of what I was. I was a monster. A disgusting monster.

I clenched my jaw, self hatred filling me as images of all the innocent people I killed filled my mind.

I had no control, which was why I was leaving.

Lena was still on the ground, crying loudly and shaking violently. It was a sight that ripped at my insides, making me feel empty and numb.

"I love you," I spoke softly, my fingers grazing her smooth hair. "Goodbye Lena."

She gasped, looking up quickly and shouting out a "Wait!"

But it was too late. I was gone already.

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