Chapter 3: Dont Treat me Like a Fan..

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Jordy's POV

I sat on the Bed And took a Nap at One Point i opened one ym eyes slightly and say Mitch shirtless bu quickly closed it. About after a Hour of sleeping And Of hearing Which whisper In skype to jerome and Playing hungergames..Whatever he does... I get a Phone call i open the phone and sees its my step mom.. i walked to the bathroom and we talked for a few mins, and then she told me..why...why she called me and that reason would have torn me even if i hated That person it still killed me...

She told me My dad Passed away last night..  i droped the phone and fell to the ground crying  i grabed my head and ran it through my hair crying Softly trying to be quite but..i couldnt take it and i cried out..i felt like someone riped my heart out... yes he left me and my sisters when i turned 18 but that doesnt mean i love him any less.. 

I Started screaming and crying and i couldnt stop my self.., Mitch Knocked on the door yelling " Are you okay whats the matter!" I just Curled up in a corner and kept crying til mitch finally opened the door and saw me.

Mitch's POV

For a girl who was so mean and seemed like a bitch, she had a heart and it was Broken when i saw her... i never though id meet a girl that i cared about like this even if she was a bitch to me...i felt bad and i asked her and kneeled down, " whats the Matter Jordy?" she Just kept crying and i leaned agensed the wall and  held her and she cried on my chest,

She kept crying and Crying..Til i called jerome and she riped the phone out of my hand and i asked " why Wont you let me call of your sisters.." she Said " Because.. when we go home..Our dad is gonna be gone..we will never hear his voice on the phone..and they need just this one week..To have fun before we go back home.." I nodded and  hugged her she didnt push me away but i knew it was akward for her... 

I felt bad..even tho i didnt Know the girl.. i cant help but feel bad for her...that was her dad..i would have cried.

Ty's POV

I sat with Sora, and We Played Minecraft having alot of fun... we shut our computers off Sora go off my bed and went to hers. she grabed her night clothes sence it  was 12 am she went and took a shower, And i though about her and then she walked out dressed and sat on my bed and said, Night Ty...and walked over to her bed and got under the covers, and fell asleep i layed down and sighed covering Up

I fell asleep straught away and snored Most of the Night..

Jerome's POV

Me and Liz stayed Up all night we sat on my bed and watched movies .. when the guy and girl kissed on the Movie " Warm Bodies" I Looked at liz and She Looked at me. And I leaned in and Mitch came running in Jumping On my bed, " HEY BIGGUMS..And Little BIGGUMS!" Liz laughed and I pouted..

After mitch left a Hour later liz fell asleep on me and i fell asleep, The next Morning..I was Gonna Ask Liz Out..But...It had To be Perfect and It was Gonna Be Perfect I will  make Sure that it was If it isnt..Ill be cheesy..

Jordy's POV

I slept silently only to wake up crying myself back to sleep..he was gone and..there wasnt anything i could do..It ..was Out of my hands..I lean up to see mitch shirtless spread out on the bed..I quickly and Quitely got up and grabed my board.. and out his vans on by accident not knowing i walked out.. I skated from the elevator the Hotel Employees yelled at me Ignored them i  kicke doff in traffic Not thinking...

I kept going and going...Til i saw Jerome Liz and Sora, and Ty they screamed at me i kept going ignoring them i took a sharp turn down the road and when the light turned red i went straught before any cars Moved... i kept going i needed to clear my head and thats what i did..i Cleared my head..I went to a Bar and got a Few drinks and Showed my fake id..

I didnt care if i got caught..and before i took a drink i imagined if i went to jail and left my younger sisters.. alone.. i put the drink down and walked out and i walk out and see a officer a go to skate off and he puts his tazer up and says " Stop" I Look over and sigh and next thing i know im in a cell on bail...

Liz's POV

Im sitting laughing with Mitch, Ty, Jerome and Sora waiting On Jordy to get back when i get a call from the County jail i put on speaker and put it in the middle and a opperater says, " Hello is this Ms. Liz Dwit.. if so Your Sister Jordy Dwit is in one of our cells would you like to bail her out?" I said " What for " She Said " Underage Drinking at a Bar with a Fake id.." Mitch's and everyones eyes widened.  i Said " can she stay the Night To teach her a lesson" She Laughed and said " Yes ma'am Just Pick her Up before 3pm Tommorow" I Hung Up and Looked at everyone They laughed saying " its good she stays the night..she will learn a less" Mitch was just Upset.

I told " Him Your roomie will be Fine mitch me you and everyone will pick her Up tommrow.." he Nodded and we all fell asleep. We wake up at 1pm and get ready. to Pick up Jordy...

Mitch's POV

I didnt sleep at all i felt Like i needed to get jordy out of there..even tho..I barley Know her..I think i Like her.. Like..Like her...We get dressed and head out we arrive at the Jail and its 2:55 and I say " Umm Ms. Jordy Dwit..." She Nods and shows Us to the back room. I see Jordy and she looks horrible her Natural Straugh Black hair was all in Nots her eyes Were Puff and Red and Blood shot from not sleeping... she was holding her head in her hands  til she saw us and jumped up grabing the bars.

and she looked down and she was ashamed of her self..I felt bad for her...I Really did...Poor jordy...


Woah Jordy Went to jail for a Night...Woah... and Liz and Jerome almost kissed..Mitch is Delveloping Feelings for jordy, Ty Is Falling for Sora...But what Happeneds After the week is over?....

- Jay

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