Chapter Four: Want U Back

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I just finished writing the entire story, and I feel sad. So I'm uploading here to make myself feel better. 



“Where are you going?” Draco asked Hermione later that evening.

“To Harry’s place,” Hermione responded breezily, fixing her hair in the mirror.

“So you’re taking the twins?” Draco asked fixing his own hair in the large mirror.

“Yep.” Hermione replied, then laughed at Draco fussing over his hair, he was currently gelling his hair to, as he said ‘perfection’.

“You worry about your hair too much.” Hermione told him, laughing loudly, she then walked down to their living room.

Draco followed, scowling the entire time, when he entered the room he smiled at the scene before him, Hermione was making silly faces at them in an attempt to get them into their jackets, Draco saw how happy the three looked together, Hermione tickling the twins and they were laughing uncontrollably, smiling at their mother. Draco went over to Hermione to help her put jackets on the twins so that they could go to Harry’s.

“How long are you going to be there?” Draco asked her, while they were walking to the door.

“Probably for an hour or two,” Hermione answered him, placing Natalya into the stroller.

“You should come too! I’ll probably need help with the twins and Pansy’s your friend too!” She exclaimed, turning around to face him.  

Draco pondered her offer for a moment; he had nowhere to go tonight he was planning on just finishing up some homework assignments that he hadn’t bothered to do yesterday.

“Okay.” He replied, sighing, before grabbing his cloak and following Hermione to the front hall and out of the door.

They walked down the street in a comfortable silence, Hermione stopping only briefly to adjust Jacob’s jacket. They reached Harry and Pansy’s house a few moments later; they lived on the same street as Hermione and Draco. It was a large red brick mansion with black shutter on the upstairs windows and beautiful gardens.

Draco and Hermione walked up the colonel driveway and to the dark chocolate coloured front door, Draco knocked on the front door with three distinguished knocks, it took a moment before an exhausted looking Pansy opened the door to her guests.

“Hi Draco, Hermione.” Pansy greeted, her eyes had heavy bags under it as if she had been up all night, which she probably had been.

Hermione and Draco stepped inside quickly and shut the door behind them, they took their children out of their stroller and each held one.

“How are you?” Hermione asked Pansy warmly, while she adjusted Jacob in her arms.

“I’m fine, th-” Pansy started, but a loud wail coming from the nursery interrupted her, within seconds she had dashed upstairs leaving a stunned Draco and Hermione in her wake.

“I’ve known her since I was six and I’ve never seen her run that fast.” Draco said, awed at Pansy’s surprising speed.

Hermione was about to reply, but Harry walked into the front hall from the kitchen.

“Hey guys!” Harry said brightly giving Hermione a one armed hug and shaking hands firmly with Draco, they had both agreed to a truce the day before, though Ron was not fond of it.

Harry led them to a large living room that had numerous paintings in it and a lot of seating options. A moment later there was a few knocks on the door.

“That must be Ron.” Harry said, before he went to answer the door.

But to his surprise, it wasn’t Ron and Padma but Blaise and Parvati with their son Damien, Harry stood there for a few moments looking at them with a confused look on his face. A few moments later Pansy came down the stairs with James, seeing the questioning look on his face she intervened.

“I invited them, when I saw that Draco was here.” Pansy explained, opening the door fully so that the family could come in.

“Hello.” Blaise greeted, while Parvati just shifted Damien in her arms to find a comfortable spot.

Pansy ushered them inside, and handed James off to Harry, before she followed Harry back to the living room. When Draco saw the Blaise his mood brightened considerably, happy with seeing one of his best friends, even if it was in a room full of Gryffindor students!  

The moment that Parvati entered with Damien all the girls started throwing questions and comments out.

“He’s so adorable!” Padma squealed, looking at her nephew with admiration. She had seen him before but was still shocked with how he looked nothing like Parvati, Damien was practically a mini Blaise!

“What’s his name?” Hermione asked, observing Damien from a distance.

Damien had a head full of pitch black hair, deeply tanned skin which came from his father’s Italian heritage and bright, intense jade green eyes that made him look even more adorable than originally thought.

“Damien Scott Zabini.” Blaise said proudly, looking at his son with a large amount of pride in his eyes.

“That’s a beautiful name.” Hermione replied, all the girls shook their heads in agreement, the men looking slightly out of place in a room full of baby-crazed girls.

 It took about ten minutes for everyone to start loosening up around each other, it was easier for the girls because they were all friends, except for Pansy, but she was getting there. The group chatted until well past their eleven o’clock curfew with the girls rambling non-stop about their kids and the guys in a heated discussion about quidditch which went like this:

“Chuddly Cannons are by far the best team!” Ron said, his face starting to go red.

“Nope, Puddlemere United are way better than the Cannons did you see the Cannons track record for this season they’re on a five game losing streak!” Harry countered, sitting on the edge of his seat.

“You are both wrong. The Kenmare Kestrels in Ireland are on a 3 game winning streak they beat both of those teams.” Blaise said, getting angry; an angry Slytherin was not a good Slytherin.

“Your ALL wrong, the new Canadian team, the Moose Jaw Meteorites have won every game they’ve played so far this year, they will win!” Draco said getting up from his seat, and handed a sleeping Natalya to Hermione.

It was a smart idea for Draco to hand Natalya off to Hermione, because a few moments later the four angry quidditch fans were in a full out brawl, fist’s and insults flying everywhere. All it took was a few simple Stupefy spells to clear up the chaos. All the families left after that not only because they did not want another brawl, but because it was well past curfew.

“What was that about?!”  Hermione exclaimed, once they reached their home.

“What was what?” Draco asked, removing his cloak and taking Jacob out of his stroller.

“The fight you, Harry, Ron and Blaise had on the floor of Harry’s living room!” Hermione said, her anger evident in her voice, she walked up the stairs as Draco followed.

 “They insulted my favourite team!” Draco said resting Jacob down in his crib.

“Well you shouldn’t have punched them.” Hermione said, walking out of the nursery

Draco didn’t answer her knowing she was right, he shouldn’t have punched the Weasel in his face but, hey he deserved it!

Hermione took Draco’s silence as him refusing to admit she was right; she walked down the hall to her bedroom door, but before she walked in she turned to Draco who was going into his room.

“Goodnight Draco.” She said, turning to him with a smile on her face.

“Night Hermione.” Draco replied.

After that they both retreated to their room for a well deserved rest.

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