Chapter Eight: Up All Night

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Here's another chapter, I hope you all enjoy! Remember to vote and comment!


“Now get to work please!” Professor Slughorn said, somewhat jolly

 It was currently the last period of the day, and it was spent in a potions class with Professor Slughorn

They were working on a particularly difficult concoction called Felix Felicis which gave the user incredible luck. While brewing this, Hermione thought of the time in sixth year when Harry had been granted a vial of it by Professor Slughorn for brewing the best Draught of Living Death.

“Two strands of unicorn hair, one drop of dragon’s blood...” Hermione muttered under her breath as she placed the ingredients in the cauldron.

“Mommy?” Lea said quietly.

“Yes Lea?” Hermione said, not really paying attention.

“Where’s Daddy and Jake?” Natalya asked, glancing around the classroom.

“They’re on the other side of the classroom sweetheart.” Hermione murmured almost silently, continuing to work on the confusing potion.

Natalya used her hands to push herself up onto the desk; her mother was so concentrated in her work that she didn’t notice. But suddenly, her hand slipped from its position on the table and knocked over a bowl full of bezoars’, which fell into the cauldron.

Hermione lifted her head the moment that the bezoars’ fell into the cauldron. Instincts took over from then as she grabbed Natalya and pulled her under the table yelling “Duck!” to everyone.

Most of the class were used to hearing those dreaded words due to the fact that Neville was simply horrid at potions, and it was a weekly, almost daily sometimes, to have a potion explode into his face.  

When the class got up there was slimy orange goo covering the walls and tables of the classroom. Some of the children were crying, while some, including James and Jacob looked positively awed.

 “Errr... Class dismissed!” Slughorn said feebly.

Everyone wasted no time fleeing from the classroom, anxious to escape the orange goo.

“Natalya Evelyn Malfoy!” Hermione scolded, once they had exited the building.

 When Natalya opened her mouth to say something, Jacob and Draco caught up to them.

“Natalya!” Draco said as they walked towards their home.

“Why, did, you do that!” Hermione interrupted, you could practically see the smoke coming from her ears.

By then they had reached their street and were slowly making their way to their home on Sorcerer’s Circle.

“It-It- It was an accident!” Natalya cried, with tears pouring down her face as she turned and ran down the street, seemingly towards their home.

 “Natalya!” Hermione cried out, she picked up her pace after her, but Lea was long gone.

The family-minus Natalya– approached their home hoping to find her there, but there was no such luck. Hermione searched all over the house with no luck, until she broke down in tears, saying how she was a horrible mother.

 Jacob looked on at his mother crying her eyes out on the couch, his dad just sat beside her, trying to comfort her.

‘Where are you Lea?’ was all Jacob could think at that moment.


Natalya ran to the park in the center of the small neighbourhood with tears still flowing down her pale face.

She ran to the center of the park, where a small gap in the crowd of trees allowed her to pass through into a small alcove that hid a gorgeous pond.

The pond featured four large rocks off to the side, with small plants dotting around it. Small patches of flowers sprung up in random places of the lush grass. At that moment the sun was just beginning to set and it set off an array of light that only that magical body of water could set off.

Natalya sat down on one of the large rocks and quietly cried, she knew that she was probably over-reacting over such a small occurrence, but it hurt when her parents got mad at her like that.

Suddenly, a small rustling in the corner startled her and caused her to look up. Slowly, a patch of unruly, dark brown hair poked out of the bushes, followed by the rest of the body, Lea was surprised; it was James!

“James, what are you doing here?” Lea asked, uncertain that her parents might pop up behind him and take her back to the house.

“I snuck out when my parents got an owl saying that you had disappeared, I took a wild guess by coming to see if you were here and you were!” James stated, sounding proud when he mentioned how it was out of a wild guess that he found her.

James made his way to Natalya, who was hurriedly attempting to wipe away her tears, but not before James had noticed.

“You shouldn’t cry you know, my mommy gets mad at me a lot when I pull pranks on her or daddy, but I don’t think much of it, I know she and daddy will love me no matter what.” James said softly.

Natalya thought about; James was probably right; he seemed to know a lot of things so he was probably right about this.

“Okay, I guess your right.” Natalya gave in, sighing tiredly.

“Then let’s go!” James said eagerly, sticking his hand out to help her up.

Natalya grabbed his hand and they started on the short walk to her home, Natalya stayed silent the entire walk, she hoped that her parents wouldn’t be mad at her for leaving. They finally reached the home and stepped inside quietly, but not quiet enough as they were both attacked by hugs and tears when they entered.

“Don’t do that ever again Lea!” Hermione sobbed as she held her daughter close to her chest tightly.

Draco was also holding onto Natalya tightly, one arm was around her and the other was around Hermione, Jake joined the group a few moments after, as he was feeling slightly left out. Pansy smiled through her tears at that, extremely happy that both of the kids were back.

A little while after the hugs and tears had ended Pansy and Harry decided it was time to go home and get James into bed.

Hermione was always within a one metre distance of her daughter, as if she was scared that she would disappear in a snap.

Draco had to pry Natalya out of Hermione’s grasp to take her upstairs for bed, and he convinced her to take Jacob upstairs for bed too. After a few minutes, the kids were knocked out, and a few minutes after that, Hermione and Draco were too.

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