Chapter Twenty Eight

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For texting, in this chapter, Lea will be bold italics, and Becca will be normal bold, and Alicia will be italics.

(~~~) signals the beginning of a text. Without the brackets.

Read, Review, and Enjoy!


Did u hear wat Auntie Parvati did when she saw Damien’s bill?

No! What?

The moment she saw that he spent 500 galleons she blew up, grounded him for a week and a half, and locked him in his room 4 the rest of the day! Uncle Blaise was lafing the hole time.

Lol she didn’t think of taking his things away?



“Lea, Dinner’s ready!” Hermione called from the kitchen.

“Just a sec!” Lea shouted back.

They had gotten back from shopping two hours ago, and the entire time Lea had spent texting Becca and Alicia, and creating a Facebook account.  Jake had been at James’s house for the past hour and a half, playing quidditch and texting Damien so that he wouldn’t feel left out, and testing out their new things.

To say Draco was annoyed at this behaviour was an understatement. He was downright pissed off at them for texting all the time. Hermione had convinced not to take their phones away, since they just got it, and explained that this was normal behaviour for children their age. Draco had just grunted, and locked himself in the study with a bottle of Firewhiskey, and his Potions homework, saying that the only way that he would be able to complete the assignment was if he was at least half way drunk. Hermione knew that she couldn’t stop him; nothing could get between him, and a glass or two of Firewhiskey.

“Lea, get off that phone, and get down here!” Hermione shouted upstairs.

“Coming!” Lea said, walking down the stairs.

“What plan did you put on your phone, Lea?” Hermione asked, once they were eating the Mexican rice that Hermione had prepared.

“Uhh...” Lea said.

She thought back to just before she left the store, when Joey had hastily asked the plans that they wanted on their phones, and informed them that though the money would be taken directly from their vaults, a bill would be sent to their houses each month, informing their parents on the amount of money taken from the vault to pay the bill.

“I think Jake and I got unlimited everything,”

“Hmm... and how much did that cost?”

“I think around eight or nine galleons a month, I’m not sure, but the store will send a bill at the end of the month, saying how much was taken from the vault to pay,”

“Make sure that your bill doesn’t go over ten galleons a month and your iTunes allowance will be five galleons a month, if you want more money, ask your Dad, okay?” Hermione said, after thinking for a moment.

“Okay Mum,”

For a few minutes, the two women ate in silence, then, Lea’s phone started playing “Lighter’s” by Eminem and Bruno Mars. Hermione placed her fork down in annoyance as Lea checked her text.

“Jake is coming home now,” Lea informed irritated mother, before returning to her meal.

“Lea, you will not answer your phone while you’re on the dinner table, understood?”


They finished the meal in silence, and Lea retreated to her room the moment she finished. Jake walked in a couple minutes later, texting Becca. Hermione only raised an eyebrow at this, and then walked into the study.

Draco was on what seemed to be his fourth glass of alcohol, and only slightly tipsy. He seemed to hold his drinks well.

“I’m going to need some of that,” Hermione said, grabbing a glass, and casting a refilling charm on it before pouring herself a glass.

“I knew you would,” Draco smiled lazily.

“Who knew taking care of teenagers would be so difficult?” Hermione said, downing half her glass.

“No one, all dey do mow is ditting in dere rooms, on dere electronips,” Draco said, sipping his sixth glass. It seemed the alcohol was beginning to show.

“Uh huh,”

“Your priddy Hermeeoneee,” Draco said drunkenly.

Hermione nearly spit out her drink. She didn’t seem to have as much tolerance as Draco did; she was on her third glass, and already feeling tipsy.

“Wa didya say?”

“Youuuurrrr priddy and I likte you!”

‘Wow,’ Hermione thought, ‘this is random,’

“Your drunkt Draco, you aren’p tinking proberly, WE aren’d tinking proberly,” Hermione said, garbling.

“Dat chusn’t tange da fact dat your priddy!” Draco giggled.

‘What the hell am I saying? Why am I telling her this right now?’ Draco thought to himself.

 “We tud go to zed!” Hermione slurred.

“No! I tud kiss you!” Draco shouted, and he did exactly that.

Even though they were both under the influence of alcohol, the kiss felt magical. Not like any other kiss Hermione had experienced, not like the one with Viktor, not like the one with Ron. Draco swiped his tongue across Hermione’s bottom lip, and Hermione opened her mouth, just enough for Draco to slip his tongue inside her mouth. Both of their tongues were battling for dominance, when the door opened.

“Mum, Dad, can I-” Lea walked into the room. She was texting Alicia, and looked up after she sent the text, and screamed at the sight of her parents kissing. She ran out of the room quickly.

“Jake!” Lea shouted as she ran up the stairs.

“What happened? I heard you scream.” Jake asked, concerned.

“Mum and Dad were kissing!” she squealed.

“Finally,” Jake sighed, “That’s all you screamed about?”

“Yeah, I have to tell Leesie and Becca!” she shrieked, and turned to her phone.


OMG! Guess wat I just saw!

A super hot guy?

Flying turtles?

WTH r u guys on? Seriously, flying turtles? Anyways, it was mum and dad kissing!

Wat! Omg finally! U cud cut the sexual tension between them w/ a knife!


I think they mite b drunk tho, there was a bottle of firewhiskey near them

If they were ill make sure they get 2gether wen their sober

Me 2, ur parents r made 4 each other!

its sounds so weird 2 talk bout my parents luv lives!

Fine then, if it is lets talk bout urs

I don’t have 1

Dude, u & James r sooooo cute 2gether


Omg I’m gone, u guys r dumbasses

Lol she soooo likes him


Is that all u can say? ‘ikr’


Omg shutup, bye.

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