Chapter Thirty

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Hermione woke up with a pounding in her head. It felt like there were tiny people with drills in her head. She could feel herself slouched against something warm, and firm, she was extremely comfortable against this unknown thing. She snuggled closer to the unknown subject, and felt its arms wrap around her.

“Mmm...” Hermione moaned.

“What the Hell?” she heard the person mumble. “Hermione, wake up!”

“What?” Hermione replied sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

Slowly, Draco materialised in front of her. She seemed to be sitting in between his legs, and her head had been lying on his chest until she had lifted it. She spotted a bottle of Firewhiskey near them, which was obviously the reason behind the pounding in her head.

“What happened?” Hermione asked groggily.

“We got smashed,” Draco said as it was the most obvious thing in the world, which, it was.

Hermione groaned, and tried to stand up, but decided that that was a bad idea.

“Hangover Potion?” Draco said, offering her one.

Hermione grabbed the potion, and downed it quickly; she could feel the pounding in her head disappearing.

“Where’d you get the potion?” Hermione asked.

“I always have some prepared, there’s always two vials in my room, and two in here,” Draco rubbed his temples.  

Nodding her head, Hermione asked, “What happened last night, while we were drunk?” she could see a couple blurry memories, but not all.

“I remember talking, and drinking, and k-,” Draco froze in the middle of his sentence.

Hermione was confused, what did they do? “What did we do?”

“We...uh... kissed?” he replied as if answering a question.

If Hermione had had liquid in her mouth, she would have done the ever classic spit take, “We what!?”


“I can’t believe we kissed! I feel so irresponsible!”

“You didn’t like kissing me?”

Hermione knew that that had been the wrong thing to say, “No, I just felt irresponsible about drinking,”

“But kissing me was good, right?”

“I don’t remember it,” Hermione said softly.

The moment she saw the slightly dejected look on his face, she did the last thing she expected herself to do. She kissed him.

The kiss felt better than the one from last night, in Draco’s opinion. His mouth assaulted hers vigorously, somehow finding a way to stay gentle at the same time. Hermione moaned unintentionally, allowing his tongue access to her mouth. She battled with his tongue for dominance, as he pulled her onto his lap again. The need for oxygen showed itself, causing the slightly flushed couple to break.  

“That was...” Hermione started.

“Amazing,” Draco finished.

“You do realise how cheesy this all is?”


Hermione slowly got up off Draco’s lap, with a smile on her face. Draco got up after her and asked her something.

“What does this make us now?”

“What do you want us to be?”

“A couple,” Draco answered softly.

“Then a couple we’ll be,” Hermione replied, before sealing the deal with a kiss.


“Where the hell have you two been? Your father and I have been worried sick!” Hermione exclaimed as the twins sheepishly walked inside the house.

Lea smirked slightly at the way she said, ‘your father and I’.

“Love, they’re both amazing flyers, they aren’t going to crash into something,” Draco walked up behind Hermione, and placed a two hands on her shoulders.

Lea looked like she was ready to burst, “Are we missing something?”

“I don’t know why I'm telling my kids this, but your mother and I decided” he had no clue on how to tell kids that they’re parents were starting to date.

“Oh my God!” Lea squealed, “It’s about time!” and promptly ran up the stairs, most likely to inform Becca and Alicia of the news.

“’Bout time you mustered up the courage, Dad,” Jake patted his Dad on the back, and jogged up the stairs.

“That was...odd,” Draco said, slightly confused.

“I know, right?” Hermione replied, before walking towards the kitchen, to finish her meal.

Draco followed her to the kitchen, and sat down in his spot to continue eating. As he was eating the chicken, he asked Hermione a question.

“What do you think is going to happen at the Family Planning meeting tomorrow? I mean, Millane called an emergency class, and asked that the not be there, under any circumstances,”

“I think she might talk to us about that rumour that Nott heard,” Hermione replied, twirling the piece of lemon chicken on her fork.

Draco sighed, “I hope that it’s true,”

Hermione sighed too, and intertwined her fingers with his. Little did the couple know, the two children in the house heard every word, and were left wondering what was going on.

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