Chapter Thirty-Three

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The rest of November went by quickly. It steadily got chillier, and chillier, until snow started falling. Snow meant that the students were happy, and that the teachers were annoyed, because of the amount of snowball fights. As mid December approached, a Family Planning class was scheduled, so that the age ups could be performed.

“Lea, Jake, classes for the first years have been cancelled today, because you have to come with us.” Hermione informed the twins, as they walked towards the castle for classes.

“Why?” Lea asked.

“You need to be in a class with us today, that’s all,” Hermione replied.


The small family walked towards the familiar classroom. Once they reached the classroom, they realised that they were the last ones there.

“Don’t worry,” Professor Millane said when they walked in, “You aren’t late.”

Hermione let out a relieved sigh, and sat down in her chair, the twins and Draco followed suit.

“You all know what is happening today, so, will you all line up, and this will be done quickly and effectively.” The professor said, and quietly casted a spell over the group, so that that they wouldn’t question what they were doing.

Professor Millane handed out the potion, and ordered the kids to drink it. She then waved her wand, to complete the process, and before everyone’s eyes, a golden glow surrounded the kids, and when it disappeared, a group of teenagers stood where children used to stand.

The first person to speak was Jake, “Hey Becca, go out with me?”

“Are you crazy?” was Becca’s only response, a very annoyed response.

Hermione sighed and put her head in her hands, “Draco, I'm pretty sure our son is even more a player than you were,”

Draco shrugged and said, “It runs in the family,”

Meanwhile, James was patting Jake’s back, “Don’t worry man; she’ll be begging to go out with you by the end of the week. But now, look at the master at work,”

James turned to Rosa Finch-Fletchly, and put a grin on his face. “Rosa, want to go out?”

Rosa blushed, giggled, then nodded eagerly, before turning excitedly to her friends.

“That, my friend, is how you do it.” James smirked at Jake.

Justin turned to Harry with an angry look on his face, “Harry, mind if I pulverize your son?”

Harry was too busy talking to Pansy to notice him. “Apparently my Dad dated a lot of people before my Mum, since she wouldn’t go out with him; maybe that’s where he got it from?”

Lea was looking at the scene angrily, the hurt evident in her face. She turned away from them, and started chatting away with Becca and Alicia, as if nothing had happened.

“It looks like James is blind.” Pansy shook her head.

“Did you see the look on Lea’s face? She looked so...hurt.” Hermione said softly.

“This better not turn out like a Lily and James Sr. Love story,” Pansy said.

Pansy explained what she knew about Harry’s parents, and how they managed to get together, in great detail, that left Hermione with a raised eyebrow.

“And how do you know all of this?”

“My ever so dear mother decided to torture me with everything about Harry, and his family that I didn’t know, since she went to school with them.”

Draco, who had been standing a few feet away, cut in. “Harry’s parents got married in the end, so whatever love story you’re talking about won't happen to my little girl, and your son,” he said to Pansy.

Pansy simply smiled and turned back to her conversation with Hermione.

Draco was staring at her, “You think they’ll end up together? Are you crazy?”

Pansy smiled again. “They’ll grow up together, that’s for sure.”

Draco continued to stare at the back of Pansy’s head, before Harry lead him away, saying “Once they’ve made up their minds, they’re not changing them. Trust me on this, mate.”

Harry led Draco to the corner of the room. “Mate, do you mind if I ask you something?”

“No,” Draco answered suspiciously.

“I’m... thinking of proposing to Pansy,”

“You’re what!?

“I'm thinking of proposing to Pansy,”

“Wow. Well, congrats mate,” Draco slapped hands with Harry. “Treat her right, or you’ll have some highly illegal curses being flung your way. I picked a ton of curses from my childhood, they all cause loads of physical pain.”

“If I hurt her, I wouldn’t mind if you hurt me, I would never forgive myself if I did.”

“Man, you’re starting to sound...mushy. Get your manliness back!”

The professor looked around the room with a gleam in her eyes. “Class dismissed!”

The students slowly trickled out of the room.

“Daddy, I'm going to go out flying,” Lea said, pulling a miniaturized broom out of her pocket, and enlarging it.

“Be back in time for dinner.” Draco called.

Jake looked between where his sister had ran, and his best friend. “I'm going with her mate, I’ll talk to you later!” he ran off.

Lea was just about to kick off the ground when Jake approached her. “Mind if I join you?”

“No.” Lea sighed, and started flying towards the Founders Room.

Jake followed suit. They soon landed in the room. Jake transfigured two of the antique chairs into beanbags, and sat down in one of them as Lea did the same.

“What’s wrong lil’ sis?” Jake asked cheekily.

“Nothing.” Lea whispered softly.

Jake immediately knew that she wasn’t feeling good, emotionally, because she hadn’t shot him an annoyed look when he said ‘lil sis.’

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

“Usually I don’t care when James asks out girls, but for some reason, I felt a pang in my chest this time.”

“James is apparently like his grandfather. He tends to be a cocky prat a lot, and it takes him a while to get his priorities straight. If you like him, since it seems like you do, you should just make subtle hints. He’ll realize the perfect girl for him had been standing next to him the entire time.”

“Thanks Jakey, but it feels weird to get guy advice from my brother.”

“It feels weird giving it!”

The duo seemed to laugh for what seemed forever, and they didn’t notice the teenager standing behind the drapes, in the stairwell, who had just heard every word they had said.

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