Chapter Eighteen: Moments

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To be honest, I forgot about updating this story. All the chapters are pre-written, as I've said before, I just need to remember to upload! I've started a new storry though, it's a 1D fanfic, called Then and Now! Check it out? :) I've also entered this story in the Watty Awards. idk why. I'm bored. By the way, the song I've attached is Moments, a 1D song, but this version is one that Ed Sheeran did a couple days ago, and I was sobbing while he sang it. Okay. He wrote Moments. (Did any of that make sense?) xx 



“UNCLE FRED! UNCLE GEORGE! WE’RE HERE!” Lea and Jake screamed simultaneously.

Hermione and Draco covered their ears; the twins had incredibly loud voices! A moment later two red heads emerged from the back room, identical grins sitting upon their face. Their smiles got bigger when they saw the small family.

“Look what we have here Fred!” George exclaimed.

“I see what we have George!” Fred replied with the same enthusiasm.

“Two little—“ George said,

“—Extremely blonde—”

“—tiny Draco look a likes!” they finished together.

“And the great bouncing ferret himself!” Fred added.

Draco scowled at the twins, who were recalling his incredibly horrible forth year. It had been a sad year, a very sad year indeed.

“Daddy, why are Uncle Fred and Uncle George calling you a bouncing ferret?” Lea asked innocently.

Draco sighed; did he really have to tell his seven year old daughter that he was turned into a ferret for a short amount of time by his crazy Defence Against The Dark Arts professor? 

“Yes Draco, why did we call you a bouncing ferret? George asked, wearing an identical smirk to the one that Draco usually wore.

“That’s a story for when you’re older.” Draco said, effectively ending that conversation.

“Why don’t you two go and look at something, and we’ll take these two to the back room to look at some special products?” Fred said, gesturing to the door that led to the backroom.

“More specifically, you two can look at some love potions.” George said in a sing song voice, smirking once again.

Draco scowled at the twins, while Hermione blushed lightly. Both sets of mischievous twins disappeared into the room in the back of the store.

Fred pulled a large toy chest from an alcove in the room and blew a layer of dust off it.

“This, my friends—”Fred began.

“—Is a very special—”George added.

“Magical toy chest!” they finished together.

Fred opened the lid of the chest, and smiled. There was a pile of toys in the chest. The younger set of twins did not see anything special about it.

“Looks like nothing, right?” George said, grinning.

“Only true pranksters can see the secret. It might look like there’s just a bunch of toys, but really, if you place your hand on the ceiling of the chest-”

“—Like this—” George cut in, demonstrating by placing his hand on the lid.

“—It turns into a secret prank supply chest! Look!” Fred commanded.

The Malfoy twins turned and looked. George placed his hand on the lid once again, and the stuffed toys disappeared, replaced with a box filled to the rim with pranking supplies. There was Puking Pastilles and Canary Creams, Extendable ears and Fake wands, and more items that Lea and Jake didn’t know about. There was even a Skiving Snackbox that automatically replaced its items. Lea and Jake were shocked with the amount of items the ‘toy chest’ held. They soon learned that it was the work of an expanding charm.

“Awesome!” the twins cried out, and began rummaging through the chest.

Fred and George were grinning from ear to ear. They were truly training the next generation of the Mauraders.


Hermione and Draco walked around the store. Neither of the two was talking, so they walked in an awkward silence. Hermione glanced at a bulletin board at the back of the store. There were pictures posted all over it. There was one of the entire Weasley clan, their own families and honorary Weasley’s included. Another one was of the twins playing Quidditch in the Burrow’s back yard. Harry was included.

Hermione smiled at the pictures, they had been taken in the summer before her seventh year. That summer had been the last bit of good times before they the trio had left in search of the remaining Horcruxes.  

Hermione shook her head to clear away the onslaught bad memories she knew was coming.

“Hermione!” she heard Draco say loudly, pulling her out of her daze.

“Yeah?” Hermione answered.

“Are you okay? You were just zoned out there for a moment.” Draco asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m okay, just thinking.” Hermione said, a small smile gracing her lips.

“Happy memories?”

“Yep, the pictures were taking before the Final Battle, before our seventh year. It was before everything got so much darker.” Hermione nodded towards the pictures.

Draco nodded, satisfied with the Hermione’s answers. He was about to open his mouth to say something else, but some shuffling behind them distracted him. He turned around to see what it was.

“Hiya!” Lea exclaimed, bounding over to her parents.

Behind her, the elder set of twins and her brother were pulling the toy chest.

“What’s that?” Hermione asked, looking at the box curiously.

“It’s a toy chest Uncle Fred and Uncle George gave us!” Jake said excitedly.

Draco stalked over to the chest and flipped it open, it was filled with toys. Draco knew that there was something hidden in there. Fred and George were the greatest pranksters of their generation; there was no way in hell they would give his kids something absolutely trap free.    

“What’s hidden in there!?” Draco asked, pointing at the chest.

“Nothing.” George said innocently.

Fred emptied the chest, “See, there’s nothing other than toys in here!” he said pointedly.

Draco grumbled, and Hermione started talking.

“Don’t you guys want to finish off your shopping?” Hermione asked Jake and Lea.

“Yes!” They both said, taking their mothers hands.

“Here you go,” Fred said, shrinking the chest and handing it to Lea.

“Keep it safe.” George added.

Both parties said their good-byes, and then went their separate ways.


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