Chap 1

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(Y/N) p.o.v

You sat next to your friend dillion on the bus almost missing it by a minute. Dillion sat quietly listening to his music ignoring the outside world. All was calm and collected. You were swiping through facebook trying to pass time. Then suddenly words were being shot across the bus like bullets. You sloped down in your seat trying to not get involved but you somehow always are.
"(Y/n) don't you know how to fucking take a shower!" someone yelled. You closed your eyes trying to ignore the comment
"She probably doesn't, too dumb" someone else snickerd. Tears began to prickle in your eyes but you held them back, trying to prove you didn't care, but you truly did. Each comment stung, each word a knife to the heart. No one ever stood up for you, no one ever cared. You put your headphones on and listened to your playlist on the loudest setting, blocking out the rest of the painful comments. You looked up and saw a guy three seats ahead of you, mouthing the words "i'm sorry" he had jet black hair and a warm smile. As little as the words where they meant a lot to you. You gave him a slight smile trying to reassure him you were okay but he didn't seem to believe you. The bus stopped and you began to walk off the bus, when you reached the ground you felt someone tug your arm. You turned around and saw the same guy from the bus.
"I'm sorry for what happened, are you okay?" He asked. You had never seen anyone care so much about you like that. You felt like you wanted to cry your eyes out but wouldn't let yourself show any weakness.
"Don't be sorry it wasn't your fault, I'll be okay" you replied. He gave you a smile and reached his hand out "Im mark" you smiled and shook his hand "Im (Y/n)" you said. Your phone started to ring . It was your aunt telling you to get home soon.
"I have to go" you told mark. His smile went away. "Oh.... can I walk you home at least" he asked. You were shocked but gladly accepted. He walked you home talking about how much he loves video games. You, yourself was a video game nerd and when he found out he was surprised.
"Seriously, you play amnesia" his eyes widened. You giggled and nodded yes.

Marks P.o.v

(Y/n) nodded her head in agreement.
"Wow that's kinda ho.." I stopped myself, noticing what I was about to say.
"What's that mark?" She said. I tried to find an excuse fast."I-I ah... said it is very hot out" I spouted. She looked at me dumbfounded.
"But it's the middle of fall" she said. I began to blush but quickly covered it. We finally reached her house. I sighed at the possibility I might never see her again but I knew i shouldn't think that way. I stared at her bright shimmering (E/c) matching perfectly with her (H/l) (H/c) hair.
"MARK!!!" She shouted. I snapped out of my daze and back to reality.
"I have to go, I hope to see you again" she said "how about Saturday?" I bursts out, desperate to hang with her again.
"Yeah that would be cool" she smiled and waved goodbye before walking in her door. I started to head back and I realized I forgot to ask for her number. (Facepalms)

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