chap 2

350 11 9

(Y/n) p.o.v

You shut the door and close your eyes trying to comprehend what just happened. You didn't feel as empty when you spoke to mark but the emptiness was appearing again. All the hate and abandonment you had endured was swarming threw your head but you didn't blame anyone but yourself. You were the reason mom died, the reason why everyone you loved left~ your conscious told you. You ran to your room and locked the door. You sat on your bed sobbing, you had held everything in today and know that you were alone you could finally cry by yourself. You never let anyone see you cry. You wanted everyone to think you're strong and that nothing would bother you but honestly you were the most broken, and no one was there to pick up your pieces. Your mother died when you were ten and you were left with your drunk dead beat dad. He verbally and physically abused you for years until finally one of your neighbors saw what was happening. You were abused for five years. You were know 16 and it had been a years sean's you saw your father and had hope you would never seen him again. You lived with your aunt witch wasn't all that bad. Your aunt was never really around when you needed her to be but something deep inside of you liked it that way. You had severe trust issues and never told anyone this. Suddenly you heard a knock on the door.

Knock knock!!

You quickly wiped the tears off your face and tried to hide the redness in your eyes. You slowly opened the door to reveal it was mark. You took a deep breath and put on a fake smile.

"Yes?" you asked. Mark stared at you with a concerned look "(Y/n) are you okay, your face is so red and sticky" he said. You looked away trying to avoid eye contact. "Y-yeah im fine" tears began to form in your eyes. You tried holding them back but once you start crying it's hard to stop. A tear fell down your face but you quickly wiped it away.

"Oh my god.. What happened (y/n)" mark suddenly wrapped his arms around you holding you tight. You don't know why but you began to cry in front of him. Sobbing every horrible memory away, you had only known mark for a couple hours and yet you felt you could trust him more than anyone. Mark was 5'10'' and you were 5'2" he had a quite a few inches on you. Your head nuzzled into his chest as more tears fell down your face. It felt so safe and warm with mark near you. And never wanted him to leave, but all good things must come to an end.

(A/n) so yeah i guess you could say this was more of a prologue then anything because i was basically telling how they met so after this im going to make a time skip at some point then it will get into the real love hopefully lol. well hope you had enjoyed buu-bye! ~kylie

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