chap 7

249 11 1

(Y/N) pov

after the convention, mark and I went out to catch up.

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around all this. after you dropped out of college you started making videos and then moved to LA for it" you giggled

"pretty much yeah" he chuckled

"wellll... you wouldn't be the only college drop out, I went to  (random collage)  but i felt like i wasn't happy with what i was doing so i stopped" you swirled your straw around in your drink trying to think of more to say.

"My big dream was to go study abroad in France but that's a stretch" 

 you smiled taking out your sketch book and started doodling (oh yeah your an artist with many talents in art) occasionally you would look up at mark to show you where paying attention and went back to sketching.

"So how is your aunt?" you looked at mark once he asked you and a tear fell down your face

"S-she died of a lung disease about a year ago" mark took your hand and held it tight 

"i- I'm so sorry to hear about that" mark began to stare at you and his hand was still on yours. you began to turn red and once mark noticed why he took his hand away and blushed too. 

"(Y-Y/n), you know that note i gave you for you to read after left" he said nervously

" Yeah, I found it recently in a box i was unpacking but i never got around to reading it"

"Oh, you never read it, M-mabey for the best" he chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. after you were done sketching you saw what you drew it was you and mark setting ln a bench together and before you could hide it mark noticed.

"hey are these your famous drawings i here about. let me see" he smiled

"ahhhh, NOOO, this one is really bad trust me its not worth seeing" your face started to heat up when he suddenly grabbed it from you and saw.

"Y-you drew this...........its amazing" "really" you replied "yeah, say you really got my handsome side" he laughed. you had no words and once you saw mark blush you instantly started to think. 'does he have a crush on me?' 'no how would a guy like him like a girl like me ;-;" you looked at your phone and saw it was getting late.

"can i keep this?" mark asked

"y-yeah sure, but i need to get home can i have a ride" mark nodded and smiled and before you knew it you were in your bed after almost the best day of your life.

A/N i know it is super short but im trying to right this fairly well and its hard sometimes ;-; so stay with me on this kay thanks BUH BYE~ kylie

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