chp 4

302 10 8

Y/N pov   (time skip to day of pax convention)

    The sound of the alarm woke you up, you were never much of a morning person so it took you about 15 min to become fully awake. You stood up and immediately grabbed your glasses (if you don't wear glasses well now you do XD) too lazy to put your contacts in. you rushed to the bathroom doing your normal routine until you realized what day it was.

"PAX IS TODAY", you yelled out to nobody. Quickly you grabbed your (favorite band) T-shirt and black skinny jeans, you also grabbed your (f/c) jacket and sat it on the sink to be put on after your shower. Once you were done you brushed your teeth like any normal being would do and put some quick casual makeup on. (im emo-ish so like yeah) After putting all your cloths on you glanced mat the mirror, forgetting to do your hair. You rushed over to find your (straightener/ curler) and plugged it in. after everything was finished you took another quick glance at the mirror 'not half bad' you thought to yourself. You wear never a girly girl but you weren't a heathen either so you did what you felt like. You pulled out your phone and checked the time, it was 12:30 and your bus arrives at 12:45. That barely gives you anytime to eat so you ran to the door and put on your (2 f/c) jordans. You started running down the stairs to catch what little you can get for breakfast but once you reached the bottom something blocked you from the exit. It was a very tall man, greens color on the tips of his hair could be seen and light crystal eyes you recognized anywear.

"S-sorry lady i didn't mea" he was quickly cut off by you "jack?"  he furrowed his eyebrows probably wondering how you knew his name.

"OH, you must be a fan" he chuckled. You slightly nodded trying not to come of as a complete fan girl.

"Well i'm sorry if i was in your way" he reached out his hand. "No, no it's fine but i have to go i need to catch.." you stopped suddenly realizing the time. "OH NO MY BUS!" you yelled. You watched your bus take off down the street to late to stop it.

"What's wrong?" jack asked. You flared your arms in the air, 'how am i supposed to get to pax now?' (btw '___' is what you are thinking)

  "I missed my bus to pax and now i don't have a ride" jack started giggling "well you could've just asked me, i mean i am going there too if you haven't realized yet" he said. I mentally face palmed 'of course he's going there he is one of the main acts'

"Really are you sure letting a stranger in your car" i laughed "hmmm you're right" my expressing went dull " so i guess we will have to become friends" he chuckled again.

(time skip to STAR BUCKS....;-; don't judge me)

"So let me get this clear, you moved from (hometown) to L.A to put together your life" jack asked

You nodded your head and sighed.

"heh , sounds like someone else i know" jack laughed

You cocked your head towards him but shook it off.

"Yeah, well everything was fine until i ran into this guy i use to like and kinda still do, we grew up together and he always protected me" you took a deep breath " he moved away for collage and it had been years since i saw him, but a couple of days ago i got kinda drunk and someone took me home i didn't realize it was him tell after he left." you felt like you were telling jack your whole life story, which practically you were just leaving the little details out for know. Jack gave you a slight smile "well i'm sure you will find him again soon" jack looked down at his watch.

"HOLY ARS WERE GOING TO BE LATE!" (does that sound like something jack would say lol) he grasped your hand fast and the two of you sprinted out the door to his car.

(a/n kay well im really proud of this chapter and im in the middle of school so i got to be quick so thanks for reading buh bye! ~kylie

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