Chp 11

159 3 6

You laid in your bed tired from a whole day of work, and finally, you could catch some sleep. You turned to your side and threw your whole blanket on top of you, body aching. Once you finally shut your eyes a ding came from your phone. "UHG" you groaned reaching for your phone to check who had texted you.

Mark: hey baba ;), I was wondering if you'd like to go out Friday?

A blush appeared across your face 'baby, did he just call me baby?' the pet name made you smiled more forgetting how tired you were. So you texted him back.

(Y/n): Are you trying to be smooth? because it's not working. And of course, i'll go with you!

You, of course, had to tease mark on his "skills" he likes to call them. You obviously knew you went getting any more sleep so you got up and got ready like normal and your phone went off again.

Jack: hey are you free Saturday night?

(Y/n): uhh yeah why? Did you want to hang?

Jack: yeah something like that lol ^^

Your eyes widened 'was jack asking me out?' did he not see the live stream?, i'm with mark. You had no idea what to do. You have certainly never been in this position before. You decided to wait on replying and go to get some groceries instead. You hopped in your car and left to the supermarket. When you entered you pulled out a list of several things you needed to get. First up was milk and cheese. You walked up to the dairy aisle and grabbed what you needed. When you reached for the cheese another hand came out of nowhere "oh i'm sor-" you looked at the person and found it was jack 'oh no, oh no, nononononono' you started screaming inside "hey (y/n) nice seeing you here" jack smiled and waved like a kawaii character, which made you giggle. "H-hey jack i was just grabbing some groceries" i spoke trying to hide my guilt for not having the same feelings for him. You were hoping that he wouldn't bring up his offer but to your dismay he did "so about going out with me saturday?..." jack mentions with a calm smile. I began to panic trying to stray away form the question "o-oh uhm.. Well you se-" suddenly jack interrupted "HEY MARK!" you turned to around to face your loving boyfriend "m-mark? What are you doing here" you stuttered out not knowing how this situation would go. "Well it's a store and i was out of food, and a store is where you buy food. So i went to buy some food at the store, you gotta kinda connect the dots there babe" " BABE?!" jack spoke shocked, I then almost start turn cherry red at the sound of that name. Jack just stood there shocked. "Yah, (Y/n) is my girlfriend, did you not see the livestream???" mark replied. You turned to jack and face palmed "i-i'm sorry jack i was trying to te-" "Don't be" jack cut in Jack looked like he was about to be angered or sad i just stayed quiet. Jack then finally screamed "CONGRATULATIONS YOU LOVEBIRDS!" Mark and i just stood there surprised. You laughed at jack's antics "could you be any louder" you giggled, mark even started to burst out in laughter. "So jack did you ever find a lucky princess in your life yet?" "hell yeah i do! She even knows (Y/n) from (hometown)," Jack answered. My mouth suddenly dropped. 'Wait jack doesn't like me?' a wave of relief swept over you but then you curiosity wondered who the girl was. Mark high fived jack "AWSOME BRO, who is the lucky girl" jack rubbed the back of his neck "w-well don't tell anyone but i'm dating.....Signe or as you know her probably by wiishu" he nervously laughed. Then the name suddenly hit me like a truck. 'How can i be so stupid! How could i forget my best friend Signe Hansen!' your eyes widened "WIISHII!!!!!" I screamed so loud that jack even had to cover his ears "you know her?" jack asked "her and i went to middle school together i use to call her wishi. She was like a caring older sister i've never had. If i were to see her again it would be a family reunion!" Mark and Jack then started to light up an idea. " hmm, Jack, would you and 'Wiishii' like to come join me and (Y/n) sometime for a video Collab?" i started to bounce with excitement i ran over to mark and hugged him as well as jack "thank you, thank you, thank you" "well that sounds fucking awesome" jack fist pumped in the air "but i got to get going signe is actually waiting for me" jack smiled and walked away and you now we're just left with your beloved mark. You started to think something about next week was important but what? You took out your phone and checked the date "whatcha doing there baba?" mark questioned you looked at mark "hmm give me a se-oh..." mark gave you a confused look "what's up?" you put you phone back in you pocket "oh, well I'm going to be 23 in a couple of weeks " you said with a faint smile. You honestly didn't like celebrating your birthday because it reminded you too much of your dad, his drunk self always beating on you telling you all the reasons why you weren't important. You eventually noticed you were spacing out in the distance "s-sorry" you stuttered having tears clutter your eyes a little but not enough for mark to notice you hoped

Mark's pov: after hearing about her birthday, i had a plan. I just have to call up Wiishu and ask her to help me pick out (y/n)'s favorite anime movie i think she told me it was Ponyo(sorry i love that movie and if you don't add something else). I looked over at (y/n) and smiled but she wasn't i noticed she was off in the distance, probably in deep thought. She bounced back up straight and looked at me "s-sorry" i looked closely at her face she was on the brink of tears."W-why are you crying" i went up to her and hugged her tightly "crying doesn't suit you princess" i smiled my forehead on hers "I'm s-sorry i just really don't like my birthday" 'i haven't seen her cry like this seans...' i stopped i didn't want to finish my sentence because i was the one to make her cry.


I saw (y/n) walking down the steps of the school in a hurry so i caught up. "(Y/N), WAIT UP!" she gracefully turned around and faced me "oh mark hey" she smiled. I began to sweat because the previous moments before i had gotten some news from my father that i got accepted into the university of Cincinnati but i don't know how i would tell (y/n) that. "C-can we meet after school maybe to talk?" (y/n) smiled and nodded "of course but i have art club tell four okay" i nodded and walked back to my previous class.

(later that day)

I arrived at school at 3:45 to pick up (y/n) and nervously messed with my glasses while waiting. The minute it hit four i headed inside and grabbed (y/n) to take her to the (favorite place). We sat down and relaxed but that quickly vanished when i started to speak. "So (y/n) i need to tell you something" i started fiddling with my glasses once more (I'm kinda making it marks nervous habit lol) (y/n) giggled "why are you nervous?" my eyes sprung open "pffttt- me nervous, never" he half-heartedly laughed "oh yeah well i know for a fact when you get nervous you play with your glasses" she smiled thinking she was going to win the little fight "well i know stuff about you too missy" i stuck my tongue out "and what would that be?" she teased i suddenly got up and prepared myself a long list of things i knew "your full name is (full name), your favorite color is (f/c), when you get anxious or overwhelmed you fidget and bounce your leg up and down, your deepest darkest secret i-" "OKAY, OKAY, YOU HAVE PROVEN YOUR POINT" (y/n) loudly interrupted. "I have told you never to speak of that again" i began to smirk "you mean, how you have a biting and daddy kink along with many others" (y/n) began to turn cherry red "NUHH, i shouldn't have ever told you" she complained hiding herself in her hands "aweee is someone blushing" i found her quite adorable when she blushed like that or when she was embarrassed at all. As cute as she was that moment i had to get to my what I was going to say "a-anyways (y/n) i have to tell you something important and you may not like it" (y/n) lifted her head from her hands and gave me a confused look "okay..." i shimmied over to (y/n) and held her hand to comfort her "i have been accepted into the university of Cincinnati and i have to leave (hometown). (y/n) just stared at me what seemed like forever, her eyes slowly filling up with tears "y-you're kidding, right? You're not r-really going to leave me are you" (y/n) took her hand off mine and backed away "I'm sorry (y/n).." my voice wavered. " you're all i have, how could you just leave me" her voice rising a little more "i wish it could be different but it can't i have to take this opportunity" i reached for her once more but she only refused "No, i understand it was only a matter of time before you left me, because everyone does" tears began to fall down my face as well "NO, THAT'S NOT TRUE (Y/N), I'm not leaving you i will see you again i promise" i tried to reassure her but she only pushed me away and stormed off. She wasn't answering her phone or her door she was just ignoring me. So i wrote her a letter before i left stating how i felt and why.

//End of flashback//

(A/n, that might have been the longest chp i have wrote so far but dont quot me on that see yah laterz bah bye!!~ casper

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