This story was written for a project. A project I had to do by myself because my invisibility in class led to a series of unfortunate events and I wasn't added to the group work presented by my classmates.But I don't regret it.
I'm proud of the outcome and I can say that I cannot wipe this smug look on my face and internally scream: "In your face, bitches!" at my classmates.
I wrote this story feeling depressed because I was easily forgotten but inspired by an idea.
My older brother had a heart disease and sadly he couldn't make it through life.
This story was made as a reminder that it could have been so much worse.
Written solely by me and edited by my English teacher who firmly believes in past tense based writing. He has good grammar and punctuation, plus, he's really nice so I have no qualms with it.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy.
~ Debbie
Change of Course
Nouvelles~ Facilis est iter per mortem ~ The journey through death is an easy one.