Chapter 2

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"Don't cry mommy"I said hugging her.

"My baby leaving"She said.

"I'm right here! Your oldest child who has graduated and in college"Jasmine said.

"Don't ruin the moment Jasmine"Our dad said.

"How about we have dinner before we leave?"My mom suggested.

"I'm good with that, just let me get my dorm number and schedule"

"Alright"She said getting in the car with my dad.

We drove in sepearate cars because I have my own car now. Jazmine drove with me ofcourse.

"You coming with me Jaz"I asked.

"You already know.I'm not staying with them"She said walking ahead of me.

Our parents argue alot so we kinda stay away from them. I really think they are on the verge of a divorce. And I don't want that to happen.

I followed her inside and Jaz handed me two sheets of paper.

"What's this?"

"I got your schedule and room number. Your welcome"She said walking out the building.

I followed her again and we went towards our parents car.

"Here"She said handing me a key.

"Your key for your room"She said obviously noticing my confusion.

"We're ready"I said tapping on my dad's window.

He rolled down the window and looked at my mom. Me and Jazmine looked at our mom. She was facing the window wiping her face.

"What's wrong with mom?"Jaz asked.

"Nothing! We'll meet you at Red Lobster"He said quickly and drove off.

"Do you think?"Jaz asked.

"Dad wouldn't hit mom. Now let's go"I said getting in my car.

"Whatever"She said getting in.


"Man! I'm full"I said getting out my car.

"Foreal bruh"Jaz said following behind me.

"You new on campus"Some boy said coming up to me.


"I'm verse"He said holding out his hand.

"Jayda"I smiled shaking his hand.

"Jazmine but I don't shake hands"

"Well then.....there's a party at my friends house and do you and your frie-"

"Sister"Jaz interrupted.

"Sister wanna go"


"Well give me your number and I'll text you the address"

"Here"I said handing him my phone.

"What time it start?"Jaz asked.

"In a hour"

"Well we need to go so I can get ready"Jaz said pulling me toward my building.

"Bye verse"I yelled.

"Bye jayda"He waved.

We got to my room and it was like any average college dorm. It had one bathroom and two beds and a dresser aswell on separate walls.

I chose the one on the right and put my stuff down.

"Dad already brought all your belongings so you can get settled tomorrow. We have a party to attend too."Jaz said opening up my suitcase.

Jayda // Quincy Brown(Combs)Story//Where stories live. Discover now