Chapter 42

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The outfit Jasmine wore on Christmas⬆

"I can't believe your here Jaleel"I said hugging my brother.

"You know had to come see my sisters"He said kissing my forehead. I finally let him go and we walked inside the house.

"What happened to your arm?"

"Dad broke it"I said lowly.

"Isn't he supposed to be in jail"He said angrily. His face started to turn red because our brother is lighter than us.

"Yea but he had got out early for good behavior"

"Where is he?"

"He's back in prison awaiting trial"Quincy said.

"Who are you?"Jaleel said looking up at him.

"I'm Jayda's boyfriend Quincy"

"Jaleel. I hope your treating my sister right"He said dapping up Quincy.

"What brings you down here?"I asked.

"I can't just come down to see my sisters"

"No! You haven't been down here in almost 3 years"I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm engaged now"

"Your still with candy"I asked.

"Yea and we just had a baby-"

"A what"I yelled cutting him off.

"A baby"He repeated.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I'm sorry but do you wanna see her"

"Of course and what is her name"I said.

"Cori Lee Mitchell"

"Aw.......I wanna see her"I smiled. He smiled back and walked out the house.

"I can't believe your brother has child"Quincy said shocked.

"Me and you"

"I can't wait till we have one of our own"He said pecking my lips.

"Too soon"I blushed trying to cover my face.

"Here she is"Jaleel said walking inside with candy and a carseat.

"Hi jayda"She waved.

"Hay candy"I said. We all sat down accept Jaleel and he took her out the carseat. He handed her to me and I smiled.

"How many months is she?"

"She is 4 months"Candy smiled.

"She looks more like jaleel then me"She rolled her eyes and she was right. She had his big forehead and big behind elf ears. She had his nice curly hair and his blue eyes.

I guess you guys are wondering why Jaleel has blue eyes and me and jaz don't. Me and Jazmine share the same mother but Jaleel has a different mother. She is Hispanic and my mother is fully black aswell as our dad.

"Hi"I said tickling her little stomach making her laugh. I heard the door open and in walked Jaz.

"Jaleel!!!"She yelled running into his arms.

"Hay sis"He smiled kissing her forehead.

"Wassup candy"She nodded at her.

"Hay"Candy said.

"Who's baby?"Jaz said sitting down and playing with her.

"That's my daughter Cori"Jaleel said.

"You had a baby didnt tell me"

"I was gonna tell you guys. I wasn't gonna keep it a secret forver"He sucked his teeth.

"I guess I should tell you I'm pregnant then"Jazmine announced.

"Your what!"He yelled looking up at her.

"I'm pregnant dummy"She rolled her eyes.

"I heard you"

"Then why ask again"She said.

"Your only 22"

"And your 25 with a baby, whats the problem?"She yelled.

"I'm not gonna argue with you Jaz"He signed.

"Then don't"She said and then walked out the living room.

"What's your problem?"I asked Jaleel.

"She's pregnant, that's the problem. Atleast you didn't get pregnant"

"Well actually I was pregnant before her but I lost the baby. Don't you dare make her feel bad"I said and then walked to Jaz room to hear her crying.

"Don't take it to heart Jaz. He cares, he's just kinda mad that his younger sister is having a baby"I said hugging her.

"I feel like he's not supportive at all. Not even my family. Your the only who cares. This is why I didn't want to say anything"She said.

"Do not listen to them. Just do you. You remember what you told me"I said. She wiped her face and nodded.

"That I'm gonna turn a new leaf and be the bigger person"


"Well that's over and cancelled now"She said.

"You can't back out on your word now"

"I don't care. Everyone is aggravating"She rolled her eyes.

"Girl bye"I laughed.

Jayda // Quincy Brown(Combs)Story//Where stories live. Discover now