Conner Kent x reader part 2!

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I guess Cassie won't be part of this since you're Wonder Woman's daughter. 

Y/n's pov

       Should I go? it'll let me spend more time with Mom I guess but what about Conner, Dad, and Lois? I don't want to leave them. I'm so into my thoughts I didn't even realize Lois was calling my name till she shook my shoulder making me jump, "sorry, sweetie," she said softly "is everything alright?" she asked "yeah," I said "Clark told me, he said your mother offered to take you back with her," Lois said softly "do you want to go?" "that's the thing," I said "I don't know," I mumbled, Lois rubbed my shoulder gently, "this decision is hard but know this, Y/n, your father and I will never hate you for leaving," Lois said smiling at me "okay?" I nodded "okay," I said softly and she left. 

       I know my answer now. 

Conner's pov

       "Recognized, Supergirl, B33," the zeta tube announced, instead of seeing Y/n in her Supergirl suit I saw her wearing something similar to Wonder Woman's "y-you're leaving?" I asked "yeah, I am," she said softly "Conner, I know you didn't want me to leave but I really do want to spend more time with my mother," Y/n said "I don't know how long I'll be gone but I will come back," she said "I already said goodbye to Dad and Lois, saying goodbye to you is the hardest," she said "why?" I asked "because you're the only one who understood my life," Y/n said, she walked over to me and hugged me, "I'll miss you Kon-El," she said buring her face into my shoulder, "I'll miss you too," I said softly, Y/n headed back to the zeta tubes, she gave me one last wave and she stepped in. 

       "Recognized, Wondergirl, B33," the zeta tube, they even changed her name to Wondergirl, if she does come back, will she still be the girl that I know now? 

                                                      *time skip*

       3 years have passed by and Y/n hasn't returned yet, maybe she isn't coming back. M'gann knew what I was going through "Conner, she might come back," she said, I sighed, "I know, M'gann, but what if she doesn't?" I asked "that's what I'm afraid of," M'gann took my hand, "come on, you need to stop thinking about her for awhile," she said, but everything changed, "recognized, Wondergirl, B33," my head snapped to the zeta tubes, and Y/n stepped out, she looks just like a compete replica of Wonder Woman(if you don't look like Wonder Woman add 'but she has h/c hair instead) she spotted me and smiled "you haven't changed a bit, Conner," she said softly, I heard some growling, besides her is a great big wolf, "hush now, Winter, it is alright, he's my brother," Y/n said softly, she ran her fingers through Winter's fur and she seized growling. 

       M'gann kissed my cheek and walked away, Y/n walked over to me, her lasso on her right side of her hip just like how Wonder Woman's "you really do/don't look like your mother," I said "so I've heard from other Justice League members," Y/n said "speaking of Justice League members," I began "did you see your dad?" Y/n nodded "I did, he was pretty happy to have me back, Mother will be pulling me out of the team once in awhile for training but other than that, I'll be part of the team," she said "that's good to hear," I said, Y/n hugged me hard and I hugged her back, "it's so nice to be back, Conner, I missed you so much," she whispered "I missed you too, Y/n, you don't know how lonely I was without you," I said.

        So many things have changed when Y/n was gone, the 2nd Robin died, we don't know how though and Nightwing won't tell us how, and a new Robin took his place. Y/n and him got along just fine though I suspect something is going to happen to those two at some point if you know what I mean, I just hope nothing happens to them if they do start. 

       M'gann hugged my arm and smiled, "you're happy," she said "well of course, my little sister is back," I said "well, older you mean," M'gann said, physically I'm older but DNA? she's older "older or younger she's still my sister, M'gann, I'll think of her no different," I said, M'gann smiled, "that's your opinion," she said "3 years have passed by, Conner, she really does/doesn't look like Wonder Woman, they act alike but they're not the same," "yeah, but they have the same blood," I said "she'll be the next Wonder Woman," "yeah, her kids might be the next Superboy or girl," M'gann said, I smiled, "maybe," I said "just maybe," 

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