My Fluffy Bunny

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Dan Howell X Reader

Setting: After staring at yourself in the mirror, naked for too long pointing out all of your flaws, Dan walks in and convinces you how beautiful you are.

Warnings: Graphic Sex, Oral Sex, Mild Swearing, Weight Insecurities, Stretch Mark Insecurities.

1047 words - unedited


(Y/N)'s POV

I felt like I was looking in one of those mirrors you found in a fun house. Although, this was not fun. I hated my body. I felt so fat. My stretch marks were so profound. I hated every inch of me.

I don't know how he loved me. My boyfriend, Dan. He's so sweet and skinny. And cute. He says I'm not fat, but I know he's just being nice.

I know I shouldn't use the word fat. There are people fatter than me. So I'm just... Chubby.

So I stood there, looking at my naked body, hating myself. I had just gotten out of the shower, so my towel pooled around my feet and my hair was wet. The water dripped onto my shoulders and down my curvy body.

I would have locked the door already if I knew Dan came home, but guess my thoughts consumed me because all I heard was;

"Wow, you're beautiful."

I snap my head around to see Dan against the doorframe, smiling. His eyes twinkling. I gasped and picked up the towel to cover myself, but when i got it around myself, he was in front of me. His smile was gone.

"D-Don't look at me." I whimper. His eyes were filled with worry. "Why? You're so beautiful." He says. I shake my head.

"I'm f-fat.." My voice cracks as I start to cry. I was so embarrassed he had saw me like that. He shook his head and sat me down on the bed, staring deeply into my eyes.

"(Y/N). I love you. So so so much. You are not fat. You need to see that. You are my precious angel. My fluffy bunny. And any guy would be so lucky to have you." He sighs

"I love you. So much." He says, kissing me softly. My tears had become tears of joy. I kissed him back. The kiss became passionate. He slid his tongue across the bottom of my lip, asking for an entrance. I smiled as i have him one. His tongue explored my mouth, loving every inch.

We broke from the kiss, breathless. He then attacked my neck. I have never felt this way before, but I liked it. He looked at me. And I saw a look in his eyes i had never seen before.


He slowly slid my towel down. I didn't want to see his reaction, so I looked down.

Dan picked my chin up and smiled brightly at me. He looked down at my body, then back at me. "Your so beautiful." He whispered. I felt my face heat up.

Dan laid me down as we kissed again. The kiss was tender and sweet. I smiled and tugged on his shirt. He pulled away, making sure. He searched my eyes and i just nodded.

I want this.

He took off his shirt and kissed me again as i started unbuckling his belt. Soon enough we were both naked and exploring every inch of our unknown bodies.

"Dan.. Please." I say, breathlessly. "I want you." I say. He shook his head. "Do you know how beautiful you are yet?" He says, sliding his hand down my stomach. I shivered.

"Dan.. Please.." I whine. His hand cale closer and closer to my heat and my breath hitched as he stopped. "Say it." He says. I shake my head. "Say what, Dan." I ask, chuckling a bit at his teasing.

"Say your beautiful." Says Dan. I hold my breath for a while. "I'm- I'm beautiful." I say, just wanting more. Dan scoffs and sits up. "Like you mean it." He says.

I sigh, putting my hands on my head. "I can't." I say. He sighs, kissing me. "Then I'll make you believe it." He says.

Carefully, he sends slow kisses down my stomach, leading down to my core. I bite my lip, grabbing the sheets.

He places a gentle kiss on my clit and I squeak. "Do you believe it?" He asks. I feel his hot breath between my legs which makes me shiver. I don't do anything, knowing he knows the answer is no.

"Fine." He says. "I'll give you more." He licks a line up my slit and I let out a squeal. He dips his tongue into my heat, making me softly moan.

He thrusts with his tongue. This pleasure is so overwhelming. I pant when he pulls away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "How about now?'' He asks. I shrug, blushing.

"Okay.." Dan says, crawling in top of me. "Lets see what we can do about that.." He smirks, kissing my neck and i feel his tip against my entrance. I gasp at it and bit my lip a bit harder, waiting.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks, looking into my eyes., searching them deeply. I smile and wrap his arms around his neck. "Make me believe I'm beautiful." I whisper to him.

He smiles and starts pushing in. I grunt as it slowly stretches me open. He stops for a moment, then slowly starts thrusting into me.

The pain subsides and pleasure replaces it. I start to moan and he picks up his speed. "D-Dan~!" I moan his name, clawing at his back as he reaches my pleasure point.

Our skin makes slapping noises and he thrusts into me, over and iver again, giving me the most pleasures I've ever had.

"Ohhh, (Y/N)... You feel so fucking good... Sh-shit!" Dan says, moaning my name. He really does love me, doesn't he? I mean, he wouldn't be having sex with me of he didn't think i was beautiful.. It must be true.

Once I think it couldn't get better, something started building up inside me, it felt warm and really really good.

"Dan!!" I scream as I feel myself tighten around him, I release, gasping as he continues thrusting, soon finishing off on my stomach.

We both catch our breath, gasping and panting for air.

A tear falls from my eye as he lays beside me.

"I really am beautiful to you, aren't I?" I ask him.

"You are gorgeous." He smiles, kissing my forehead and wrapping me in his arms until we fall asleep.

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