Chapter 12- Reality Changer

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"We're here" Hazan said

As he parked at the sidewalk.

I picked my clothes from the backseat and walked out. 

I shivered a bit from the cold breeze that hit me

Hazan helped me hold my clothes as I opened the door.

I put on the heater for the house and dump the wet clothes in the basket.

Hazan had his clothes on after he took a shower and when he was done I took one too as he waiting in the sitting room.

I wore a jumper and a hoodie to keep warm. Hazan made himself at home as he's feet was up the table with the remote in his hands

"There's my prized possession"

My cheeks heated as I couldn't help but smile as I sat next to him on the couch and rested my head on his shoulders.

Hold up did he call me his possession?


"So how did you find today"

"It was something I won't forget, that's for sure" I said

He switched the tv off and turned to stare at me, a mixture of sadness and happiness in his eyes.

I knew he wanted to say something but he didn't how to begin.

"What is it" I asked trying to get him to spill the beans

I reached out for his hands in effort to show I won't judge him

"It's dangerous for me to get this close. I don't want to lose you; not when I found you"

I hugged him tight, rubbing his head wondering what he could possibly mean

"You're not going to lose me"

"You don't get it Morgan" He said pulling back

I crossed by hands and stared at him confused

"Then make me understand"

"I-I...Morgan there are things in this world that the human brain can't comprehend"

"What are you talking about Hazan"

"Listen...., I hunt those things, because they danger lives like yours"

I legit got lost

What the hell was he talking about.

Thunder roared in queue as my confusion and curiosity grew.

Is he trying to say he's a hunter...what or why is he hunting these so called things? 

What the hell are these THINGS?

"Ok lets' say I understand what you're saying at the moment"

I shifted closer to him, holding his hands and given it a little squeeze to encourage him to talk more

"Morgan...this may sound crazy"

"I'm not running away am I?" I asked arching my eyebrow

"True" he said nodding

"Tell me already, you know me well enough to know I don't judge people"

"Ok, Morgan..."

He's blue eyes stared at me

"Do you know the stories about demons sucking the life out of humans? Beings with supernatural strength? speed? pale skin?"

"I think so" I said a bit wary 

"What if I told you that they exist and...and that am a vampire hunter what would you think"

I blinked several times trying to understand the words he said. 

I know what he said but my brain was finding it a difficulty to match what he said to vampire hunters in movies like Buffy the vampire slayer

"A what now?" I said confused

"I vampire hunter Morgan....they...they exist. Am telling you this because I don't want to lie to you about where I suddenly disappear off to"

"Vampires can't's" I asked feeling like my brain was erupting like a volcano

"I know it's tough to understand, it was too when I found out I was a hunter"

"So you're telling me the blood and the...." I said making gestures I couldn't understand

"All of it is true"

"So what there are werewolves, shape shifters, and witches? Those super naturals?"

"Yes, but each hunter is given a mark to represent which hunter you become" He said trying to get me to understand

"Is that why you have that full moon tattoo on your arm?"

"Yes. It represents the night-walkers or vampires as you and society may call them"

"No way" I said laughing

I must look insane


"No...they can't be Hazan. That's not the real world!" I tried debating with my logics

"It is. We hunters just make sure its not noticed" He said arguing back

He pulled me close to him staring me in the eye hoping to show me that he wasn't kidding

"Why you telling me this. Isn't this against your law or something?"

"It is" he said looking away

"Then why tell me?"

"Because you're my fated"

"Your what now?"

This day just gets weirder by the minute

"My other half, my partner for life, mate if you want"

"How you know that?"

"I can feel it in my veins; everything is clear with you Morgan. Its destiny"

" mother is in the hospital, I broke up with my first boyfriend about two days ago....then I met you and I feel that too but....the whole hunter thing"

"I'll give you space if you want, I am really sorry about your mom"

I hugged him tight. 

I knew he wouldn't lie to me

I just knew it but it didn't mean I won't have a hard time believing in it.

"Don't leave me" I said when he wanted to leave

"Never" He said holding my tight

So we ended up going to my room, and we sat on my bed as he told me more about vampires and his family and how he's really happy I wasn't saying he was crazy and that he wasn't lying when he said he really liked me

We ended up snuggling under the covers trying to keep our bodies warm.

"Thank you for believing me" He told me sincerely 

"Thank you for been honest" I told him

I don't know why but everything clicked. 

I felt more safe with Hazan unlike Kyle where I was uncertain and he was mysterious.

Hazan was an open book and I appreciated him honesty and I know jumping to another relationship would be stupid of me but like Hazan said, it was destiny and I could feel that.

I was touching Hazan hair when he leaned in to kiss me. 

I leaned closer to him as our lips fell in sync. 

I smiled as he pulled me close and put the blanket over we cuddled to sleep happy he was been a gentleman and not rushing into things

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