Chapter 14- Revealing Truths

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**This chapter is dedicated to allthelove_sam**

The lunch bell went off as I searched for Hazan outside the economics room. 

He walked out and quickly headed towards my direction as I started to walk to my locker to put my books in

"Well that was nice" Hazan said

I smirked; serves him right

" you liking the school so far?" I asked him

"So far so good" he said smiling

"C'mon, I want you to meet my friends, warning they are crazy"

"Crazy? That I can handle" he said keeping the same stride as me

With that we walked to the dining hall; selected the food we wanted and soon Hazan rejoined me with Jane and Zen at our table

"Guys I'd like you to meet Hazan"

Jane and Hazan eyes widened in shock but were quickly replaced with a curious and hating glance but other than that spoke nothing, just nodded

"Sup" Zen said unaware of the silent argument between Hazan and Jane

"Heard a lot about you guys" Hazan said, his cool demeanor back

"Obviously; Morgan won't be anything without us" Zen said

"Pff you wish goofball" I said

I saw Kyle in the distance with his friends and I made sure to avoid his eyes because I couldn't stand him


"Spill" I said as we walked to Hazan's car

"What do you mean?" Hazan asked confused

"The silent argument you were having with Jane....what was it about?" I clarified

"Oh, that" He said jumping in the car

My brows frowned......the hell

We started driving to my driveway when Hazan finally talked

"Jane is a night-walker" he said bluntly

My eyes rose until I felt they like they might as well escape my body; no way in hell was Jane a vampire, we grew up together since 10th grade.....there must be a mistake

"No you must be mistaken; Jane can't be"

"Trust me; I know when I see one"

The realization that his job as a vampire hunter meant he was going to kill her and no way in hell was I letting him do that when I was still alive....fated or not....gals before pals

"Don't tell me you're going to kill her" I said

"I can't promise you anything Morgan only that so far I haven't caught her drinking human blood"

"So she's not a threat...promise me she's safe from you"

He ran his hands over his brown locks, debating whether to go with his instinct or go against it for his mate

"Alright fine.....for now but I can't promise her from dying by another hunter's hand" he said staring at me with his striking blue eyes

I nodded in satisfaction; at least I know she's safe for now anyways....her and I would need to have a conversation about this

"Anyway thanks for the lift" I said getting out the car

I walked in the house when Hazan yelled to make sure I don't invite people in the house without been suspicious and with that he raced off my driveway

One day down, four more to go

The doorbell went off and I opened the door to see Kyle standing there; his face flushed; I could sense his anger and I gulped

"You know don't you" he said as a matter of fact

He entered and sat on the sofa. I followed after and sat opposite him

"What are you talking about Kyle?" I asked confused

"The world I've been trying to keep you away from; you now know"

Curiosity rose within me

"You're not making sense Kyle"

"I should have never started dating you Morg; am sorry I've put you in danger"


"Ok start from the beginning" I said folding me arms

"You know about night-walkers don't you?"

I was reluctant to admit but I did anyways, I couldn't bring myself to lie to Kyle


"Who told you?"


"That pest?" he said growing angry

"Chill and he isn't a pest....he's fated Kyle"

"No it can't be" he said doubting me

"Oh yeah and why's that?" I said defensively

"Because you're my fated" he said slowly

My brain started throbbing....what in the that even possible!

"What no, Hazan said you can only be mated with one person" I said trying to make sense of the situation

"That is the truth, but I know I am your fated" he said

"So it's either true or there is another theory or one of you is lying" said slanting my eyes

"You've known me your whole life.....have I ever lied to you?"

"Yes, this whole world you kept me from" I said

"I did it for a good reason....Hazan that bloody hunter is getting himself in trouble and more importantly dragging you with him"

"Kyle you broke up with me so why do you care"

"I did it in hopes it would get the hunters off my back"

Realization over-took me as I finally noticed his bloodshot eyes and his teeth that resembled fangs.....i need to do something and do it quick

"You're a vampire!" I blurted

"Night-walker is more preferred; not a vampire like your human beliefs" he said taking the apple from the basket

I murmured to myself annoyed he was been rude

"This is too much for me to handle" I said rubbing my forehead

"Sorry I forget your human"

"What the hell is really happening? First my mother then this freaking new world of supernatural.....i can't deal with this Kyle"

Soon Kyle's arms were engrossed with me, comforting me

**And that ladies and gentlemen was the beginning point of my realization but not the part where I found out everything I knew was fake....oh that came along the next two weeks that made my normal life ransacked like the chaos caused by an earthquake**

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