Chapter 17 - Enemy In Sight

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I swear on some days I wish I was hired to kill Morgan for her idiocy and wrong decisions instead of protecting her.

My gut feeling was telling me something bad was going on and I believed my intuition more than anything in this hell hole known as earth.

Zen hurried to match my footsteps as we ascended up the stairs to Kyle's house.

"Open up you mindless soul!" I yelled banging on the door

Kyle opened the door hastily and with his renowned snarl expression ever since he broke up with Morgan.

"You're lucky my folks aren't in town. What do you want" he replied eerily calm

I glanced to Zen. 

He nodded in encouragement; I ain't one to ask help from someone yet as time has proved once again I need people to help me attain my goals

Morgan was in trouble and if I and Zen's hunch are right, we needed to confirm and equip ourselves before anything goes horribly wrong. 

 For all we know the night-walkers lives here are at stake.

"I need a witch" I stated

Kyle brows arched confused, he is probably wondering why I need one so urgently but he opened the door widely and left us heading to a somewhat library by the corridor

"You didn't ask why" I asked confused

"I can read minds" Kyle replied

Right.....always forgot that

"Wait; if you can read minds why didn't you just read Hazan's mind to confirm our suspicion?" Zen asked

"I didn't have evidence plus it's not like Morgan will believe me, she has fallen for the pest" Kyle replied sadly

"That's why we need a witch stupid" Jane exclaimed

"My father has many connections to the underworld, but seeing as we can't take Zen down there....the only available witch is some lady called Havana who lives down south"

"A days' journey" I finished for him

"Or they can come here" Kyle said closing the thick tattered book of contacts

"I prefer that choice, tomorrow is Friday, we need to go to school to keep the façade up" Zen commented

"Call her up Kyle" I said dropping to the comfy couch

Kyle went and returned with a toothy grin, I bet he wishes he could use this opportunity to get back with Morgan; she truly is his fated.

Suddenly a bright flash of light and smoke surrounded the living room, the smell of gun powder could be noticed, and the figure of a silhouette lady appeared in the middle of the room

Zen's mouth was agape since it was he's first time witnessing supernaturals at its peak.

"You rang" the voice of Melissa from our usual café announced

My eyes grew widely, surprised that Melissa was also low-key a witch

My brain was struggling to click the differences and connect them to the same sweet, southern American accent of a lady that served us our drinks and food in our usual café down south. Her waitress outfit wasn't helping to change my mind to think she was like the other witches I have encountered my life-time

Wonders shall never end I thought to myself

"Melissa!" Zen shrieked

"One and only, I should have known you kids would summon me soon"

"I won't ask how you know each other. Havana we need a foresight spell" Kyle said softly

"Who do you want me to use the spell on" Melissa asked

"Mog- Morgan Freeman" Zen replied

"What's wrong with my baby girl?" Melissa asked worried

"We think she is under a love spell by the stupid night-walker hunter Hazan Prime" I answered

"Let's find out shall we?" She stated

Melissa took out her crystal ball out of her hippie-looking bag, placed it on the dining table and out of nowhere, candles appeared and the room darken, a fog surrounded us as we each took seats facing her.

Her face turned grim and her eyes turned a hollow grey as she waved her black manicured fingers across the crystal ball, the flames of the candles rose higher as the fog thicken around us.

Zen sat close to me, lightly touching my shoulders trying to see what was in the crystal ball

A projection of Hazan and an older version of him with grey hair were seen image of both Kyle and Morgan can be seen and they were marked X in red

Even with the lack of sound, we all could tell exactly what was happening.

"Morgan is in great danger!" Melissa exclaimed

Just gotta love the foresight spell

The fog and candles disappeared and Melissa's eyes was normal again but instead of her chipper facial expression, she sent a worried glance to each of us.

 I knew then that we needed a plan and we needed it fast


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