HPNG-Chapter 1

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Let me first say that the chapters will be very short, and for the most part, alternate between Potter and Weasley. I'm a Harry Potter obsessor and this is my first fanfic. And without furthur ado...


Rose Weasley sat in the vast library with her mother, reading Hogwarts, A History.

"Just think, Rosie. Soon you'll be able to go. Just one more year."

"That's a long time. Why does James get to go this year and I won't be able to go till next year."

"James is older than you. He'll write to you, I'm sure."

"But, Mommy. I wan't to go this year!"

"You have to wait untill you're eleven," Hermione said in a tone of finality. Rose realized that she had lost the argument, and glared at her mother before returning to her book. Ron walked in and gave her a bear hug.

"Daddy!" she shrieked, " I'm reading, don't."

"Sorry, Rosie," he apologized, offering her a smile.

Hermione looked up from her own book, Standard Book of Spells, Grade Seven, and cried, "We need to meet Harry and Ginny in half an hour at King's Cross. It's James's first year at Hogwarts! We'll be late!"

"Relax, Hermione. We'll be fine. What is that you're reading? How many times have you read that now?" Ron said calmly, "We can take the Knight Bus. It'll be a nice little adventure for the kids." Rose brightened for the first time that morning.

"We get to take the Knight Bus?"

"Sure thing, kiddo."

Rose grinned excitedly, "Should I go get Hugo?"

"Where is he?"

"He's still asleep."

"Go wake him up then, and we'll leave."

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